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3rd pov

Not much can actually hurt Leo, mostly because he's learned so many forms and techniques of defense through many, many fights, as well as being a technically enhanced human, made specifically to fight demons. Since most humans are naturally weaker in almost every way - the reason for his creation in the first place - it's rare for them to be able to create or find a way to hurt the 3000 year old man, especially after living for 3000 years, but they can still surprise him sometimes.

He'd not been with the demon lord's army long, it's not even been a full week since he had revealed himself and tried to get the generals and Echidna to kill him in a desperate bid to finally die and create peace, but he can already tell something in the others has changed since then. They don't treat him all that different, still respect him, but they are more curious, more cautious, and they are constantly keeping an eye on him, clearly well aware he has issues and they most definitely will not go away with just a single day of negation and a week of continued refusal, but he can't say he hates it either.

Sure sometimes the constant question of "How are you feeling today?" and "Are you alright?" are a bit annoying, but he hasn't had anything like this since his brothers and sisters died, ages ago now, and it's honestly almost conforming in a way, to have this feeling again, even if it is also largely extremely overwhelming and something he's still adjusting to as they go. There are human towns under the occupation of the demons, from the first take over, and they are being well kept and treated right, but Leo still likes to take time to check on them, especially since he knows how they can get when they think they are being wronged, though he can't entirely blame them.

Most of the towns appear to be doing extremely well, he notes, but there are a few that are easy to see the unease and disgust, the tension hanging in the air and he is keeping his eye on them, waiting for anything to break out, but he also wants to stop that before it happens, which is why he's visiting one of several of them today, with Echidna well aware of where he is and the generals probably also nearby since they were sent out before him to do their own tasks at some of the nearby villages. He can feel their magical presences all within a decent range - while technically Shutina and Echidna are the only ones to use magic constantly, the others are still demons and are still magical in some way, meaning they feel distinctly different from humans - so he keeps watch over them that way, the same way they are watching over him and each other. Of course, being as old as he is, he can also tell Echidna is watching them all as well, despite being quite a bit more distance away, but she has teleportation magic, so that's fair.

Leo shakes his head in order to get focus, grimacing as the town comes into view. It looks perfectly ok, nothing destroyed or in repair, but the tense atmosphere makes it appear darker, like something is wrong there. Some of the demons appear nervous, despite patrolling for the safety of the humans - monsters are still a thing, they're just not as acknowledged due to the demons taking precedence - and more still are not even out, their fear easy to feel from the places they are hiding. He strides in easily, debating who might be the leader, but they are all more or less capable so he decides to ask, heading for one of the demons nearby. "Hello, can you lead me to your commander please?" He makes sure to remain soft and calm, since it's obvious they recognize him, but one still nods, perhaps more into gossip then the other.

The small imp leads the way, fluttering its wings as it goes, and while Leo appears to be ignoring the looks, glares, scowls, sneers and overall intense emotions from the humans as he walks past, he is paying close attention because he knows something could happen at any moment and any given time. The young imp keeps giving him curious stares, so he offers a small, soft smile and an encouraging nod, watching as their eyes light up and they start to ask questions, clearly curious as well, as any young child or person might be. It's cute, in all honesty. He's invested in a story about several years ago - for him it's like 400 years ago, but the imp doesn't necessarily need to know that - when he feels something hit him, glancing back to see it's a human that had thrown it, a young male, with hatred and disgust in his eyes, as he glares. "I hope you rot in hell with the demons, you demon loving spawn! This is not what we asked for when we made you hero, damnit!"

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