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Lei followed behind Juri and Beomgyu who were two of the only ones who held flashlights.

"It's not as scary once we get to where we usually do the fire." Beomgyu said quietly as he slowed down for her to catch up with him.

She didn't say anything as she tried to look around but it was too dark to see anything, besides what the flashlight was lighting up.

"There's nothing out here. Just snakes, and bears. And very horrible poisonous insects." Beomgyu joked as he flashed the flashlight on her for a quick second, making her close her eyes from the brightness.

"I'm not scared of things like that."

"What are you scared of then?"


"Fair enough." He shrugged with a small smile.

"Even if they also count as insects sometimes." Juri intercepted with a small laugh.

"Am I an insect in your book?" Jun asked jokingly.

"You might be if you keep talking."

"Oh my, scary."

She playfully glared at him for a second and continued walking ahead.

"We're here." She informed as she saw the small clearing they would always come to.

It was a tradition for the counselors to do this every first night.

It had been this way for years. Ms. Sally was aware, as the counselors from past years did it as well, and so did she when she was younger.

Jun moved ahead to start helping set up the fire.

Lei watched as she had never seen a natural fire be set before.

"Isn't that hard to do?" She couldn't help but ask, making Jun turn to look at her with a small smile.

"It isn't if you do it enough times." He answered softly. "Do you want to help?"

Lei hesitated before she walked over to him.

"Just hold this, let me get some dry leaves."

"Okay." She said quietly as she watched him confidently walk into the forest as if there was nothing to fear.

"There's a bug on your shirt." Beomgyu informed making Lei quickly look at him.

"Well, get it off!"

He smiled in amusement as he stood behind her.

"Don't kill it."

"Why not?" He asked with a small chuckle.

"It's- just don't."

"Do you feel bad for it?"

"Just get it off."

Beomgyu softly patted the bug off her back.

"There. Now I can't tell if you like bugs or if you dislike bugs." He tilted his head making her look at him.

"I hate them."

"Then you're not going to like doing this, I think it's best if you watch." Jun laughed as he shook his hands off the bugs that were once crawling on the branch he was carrying.

"Yeah." She said softly.

Beomgyu took off his backpack and took out some matches, tossing them to Jun.

Jun set the fire as if it was the easiest thing, casually throwing branches and dry grass occasionally making the fire grow bigger.

Now they can see better, and the once shadowy forest was now showing its colors.

Summer Camp |Choi Beomgyu|Where stories live. Discover now