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"Of course, you're the one who gets sick. Don't say I was the one who wished this on you." Juri teased a pale Beomgyu who leaned against his cabin doorway.

"Shut up for a second would you? Just bring me some medicine from the infirmary." He grunted out as he narrowed his eyes from the light.

"That's what happens when you don't listen to Ms. Sally. She told you 'Choi Beomgyu! Get out of the lake! It is 8pm at night!' but you said, 'I don't get sick, Ms. Sally.'" She mocked both of them as she made her voice deeper for Beomgyu.

"I'm not sick because of the water. For your information, I don't have a cold. I have a stomach bug."

"Then why are you talking like that?"

"Because I just woke up from a nap, Juri."

Lei let out a small laugh as she stood next to Juri, waiting for her to finish teasing Beomgyu so that they can both head back to their cabin.

"You should go now, it's raining." Beomgyu said with a scratchy voice as he closed the door.

Lei looked up to the sky as she felt small drops of water on her skin.

"Ha! You don't get to go on the mud trail." She yelled out as she started walking.

"Mud trail?" Lei asked in disgust as Juri led her to their cabin in a hurry.

"Yes. Mud trail, why did you think Ms. Sally told you to wear old clothes today?"

"Can I skip that?"

Juri shrugged as she opened the door to the cabin, seeing the girls with their boots and old clothes on.

"I'll ask Ms. Sally for you, I'm sure she won't mind." Juri said with a small smile as she walked out into the rain again, the girls following after her.


Lei stared at the cabin as she stood under her umbrella, a small bag in her hand.

Why did she send me?


"Well then, since you're staying, give this to Beomgyu. We need to go quickly." Ms. Sally said as she handed a bag to Lei, who hesitantly looked at it.

Ms. Sally noticed her hesitance and looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Do you not want to do it?"

"No, it's fine, I'll do it."

"Good because if you were going to say no, I was going to tell you to come with us." She threatened as she gave her smile.

Lei watched her walk to her desk as she looked through the papers.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. If this is some elaborate Beomgyu plan to stay in camp with you, just know that there are regulations, and you should both be careful."

Lei felt her ears turn red as she shook her head.

"No, I haven't even talked to Beomgyu today. Plus, we're friends."

Ms. Sally smirked as she looked at Lei for a quick second. "Okay. If that's what you say."


Lei went up the steps as she looked through the screen, softly knocking.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she received no response.

So, she knocked again.

The door suddenly opened making Lei let out a small yelp.

Beomgyu stood there with a flashlight in his hand, ready to attack anyone.

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