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Lei quietly ate her lunch as she sat next to Naya who stared at her in suspicion.

Naya turned around, and looked towards the other side of the dining cabin with narrowed eyes. She stared at Beomgyu, who quickly looked down at his food after being caught looking at them.

She looked at her sister again as she took a subtle sip of her soda.

"Did something happen with counselor Gyu?"

Lei quickly looked up at her sister with furrowed eyebrows.

"Nothing happened with counselor Gyu. Why would something happen with counselor Gyu?" She spat out in rapid fire making Naya raise her eyebrows.

"I'm just thinking... he didn't sit with us during breakfast. And you haven't even talked to each other today."

"Well, we're not friends. We don't have to talk to each other every day."

Naya turned her head to look at Hani, who also stared at her suspiciously.

Naya nodded her head towards Beomgyu, and Hani nodded her head in determination, standing up with her lunch in hand.

She quickly walked towards Beomgyu's table on the other side of the cabin and sat down with a big smile.

"Hello counselor Gyu." Hani greeted slowly making Beomgyu look up at her nervously.

"Why did you switch tables?" Was the first thing he asked.

"How did you know where I was sitting?"

"Because I saw you there."

"Why were you looking there?"

"Why can't I?"

They both narrowed their eyes at each other as they both tried to win the mental and verbal back and forth.

"Touche." Hani said as she nodded her head slowly, looking down at her food.

She raised her eyebrows as she slowly cut the chicken on her plate.

Beomgyu stared at her in fear.

Why is a child intimidating me?

"I see you're only sitting with Ms. Juri.... Why is that so?" Hani asked as she placed down her utensils.

Juri chuckled as she shook her head in amusement.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"It has to do with a lot, Ms. Juri. With a lot. Right counselor Gyu?" Hani said seriously as she narrowed her eyes at him.

Beomgyu had slightly wide eyes as he tilted his head.

"I don't know what you're talking about." His voice slightly cracked as he shrugged his shoulders, looking down at his food.

Hani suddenly slammed her hand on the table, startling both Juri and Beomgyu.

"Let's go to my table, Mr. Gyu."

"Why?" He asked nervously.

"Why... not?"

Hani stood from her chair with a smirk as she grabbed her food. She stood there as she waited for him to stand up.

Juri watched Beomgyu look at the back of Lei's head for a quick second.

"Yeah, why wouldn't you?" She said to him as she stood up with her food.

"Mr. Gyu, you are welcome to come with us, and you should." Hani said as she followed Juri.

Juri let out a small sigh as she placed her food down on the table first, on the seat next to Lei.

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