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"Lei, I need you to get the boardwalk decorated with the banners. Make sure to tape them on the sides of the boardwalk, you know on the big sticks, that are sticking up, you know what I'm talking about right?"

Lei almost sighed as she nodded her hand.

She had been sent to do everything that day.

Juri would say she had to do this and that, so her jobs were given to Lei.

The party that Ms. Sally threw would be the biggest of the night.

Lei almost laughed when Sally said that they would invite the nearby camp for the party and there would be songs and smores around a fire.

Camp Rock, is this you?


Lei placed the now dry banners over her shoulder as she walked towards the end of the boardwalk, placing down the banners on the ground.

She sighed as she sat down, placing tiny ropes around the four corners of the banners.

She took her time as she adjusted her hair with her favorite hair clip.

Lei stood up to tie the banner around the big logs Ms. Sally had told her.

She reached to grab another banner.

But her eyes suddenly widened as she felt herself fall forward into the water.

She could feel herself sinking as she tried her best to come back up.

The water was clearer than she thought.

It would be pretty....if she wasn't drowning.

"Are you insane?! She can't swim!"

Should've taken up on those swimming lessons.

Lei felt her lungs burn and her legs getting tired from desperately kicking.

Her eyes closed on their own as she tried to calm down.

This is where I die? At a kids summer camp, drowning in a lake?

But she suddenly felt an arm around her waist and a strong pull.

Her head was finally over the water and she took the biggest breath she had ever taken.

"You're okay Lei, I've got you." Beomgyu whispered into her ear.

Lei tightly wrapped her arms around Beomgyu as she coughed, struggling to catch her breath.

Her hands shook from fear as she felt herself cry in relief.

Her teary eyes found Juri, who was looking ready to faint.


"Are you sure you're okay?" Beomgyu asked worriedly as he placed the towel tighter around Lei.

"I'm okay. Why are you always saving people from drowning?"

"I'm a superhero. That's my secret identity."

"I almost died and you still make horrible jokes."

Beomgyu smiled softly as he caressed her cheeks.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked again as he looked into her eyes.

"I'm just sad I lost my hair pin." She chuckled quietly as she held tightly onto his shirt to keep her hands from shaking.

He pulled her into the fourth hug of the minute as she wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes.

"I don't how that kid dealt with it so well, I'm still terrified. I thought I was going to die." She laughed breathlessly.

Summer Camp |Choi Beomgyu|Where stories live. Discover now