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"We should all stay together in the dining room. There's food, shelter, matches and first aid if we need it. We need to think through how we're going to leave this place." Lei said hurriedly as she paced about the cabin.  "We need to get my sister and Hani. Is there any other campers here?"

"Counselor Jun and counselor Eli are still here." Lisa informed as she looked at her.

"Why do we need to stay together?" Juri asked as she rolled her eyes.

"It's not some person that we're dealing with, Juri. It's starting to get obvious." Lei spat out as she stopped walking.

Everyone looked at the two as they glared at each other.

"How would you know that?"

"You think its fuc-" Lei stops herself from swearing as she looked around at the kids. "You think it's normal, the way these people are dying? It's not. Okay? If it was a person, I'm sure we would know by now. Whatever this thing is, it's going feral today."

"I agree with Lei. It's a good idea to stick together. We don't know what we're dealing with." Beomgyu said softly as he crossed his arms.

Juri only crossed her arms as she looked down at the floor.

"I'll go get my sister and I'll get the guys on the way there." Lei informed as she walked out in a hurry.


"Meet you in the dining room!" Lei interrupted Beomgyu as she practically ran to the cabin next door.

Beomgyu looked at her through the window as she walked inside the cabin.

He sighed softly as he looked at everyone in the room.

Seeing the scared looks on the children's faces, he realized he shouldn't have talked about this in front of them.

He placed his arm around Ali as the child continued looking down at his hands.

"Hey." He said softly, catching their attention. "It's all going to be okay. We're going to find a way out of here, and you'll be back home in no time, yeah?"

Sara sniffled as she nodded her head, Ji Ah only looked at him as she wiped her tears.

Sara stood up and practically ran into his arms.

Beomgyu softly caressed her hair as he pulled Ali closer.

"You'll be fine, okay?" He comforted as he hugged both kids.

Juri watched him as she felt her heart tighten.

Why is he like this? Why can't he be an asshole?


Beomgyu sighed in relief as he watched Lei walk inside the cafeteria with Naya, Hani, Jun and Eli.

"So this is an eventful summer." Jun sarcastically said as he sat down with his arms crossed.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes as he stood up.

"We need to try out the gate." He said quickly as he looked outside at the barely lit dirt road. "Have any of you seen anything? Numbers? Letters?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Then, we'll have to guess. We need to find out a way to get out of here too, it'll take a while to get to the main road by foot and our phones aren't working so an Uber or our parents is out of question." Eli said as he looked at everyone.

"We can take my car." Juri offered.

"We won't all fit even if we squeeze in."

Everyone went quiet for a few seconds, before Lisa raised her hand.

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