A/N: please read. important.

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Hey guys, sorry this isn't an update. So I have a few things to say:

1. I've just realised that I haven't been adding Elijah and the Lestrange's into the storyline lately, and I've decided that I'm going to make it so that Bellatrix and Rodolphus were sent to Azkaban in the middle of the twins' first year. Elijah moved to Durmstrang Academy. I know the Tournament includes Durmstrang coming to Hogwarts but since Elijah will only be 15, therefore in his fifth year, he will not be coming to Hogwarts with the other Durmstrang students. He may come back into the storyline when Bellatrix and Rodolphus get out of Azkaban, but I'm not entirely sure yet.

2. This book is going to have a lot of slow updates because when I write, ideas don't come to my head very easily and I am truly sorry for that. I always get a bunch of different ideas hit my mind and I write about that and that's actually why I made the oneshots book, so those chapters/oneshots wouldn't go to waste.

3. This story won't go with storyline much until later and since Cassie graduates the same year as the tournament, she will be pretty busy and I've already thought out what's happening with her when she graduates. The Harry Potter storyline will actually start showing properly when Lucius goes to Azkaban and Voldemort takes over. I will still show all the tournament scenes of course, but it won't go with Harry's point of view. It'll mainly be focused on the Malfoy's.

- thank u x

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