1. Suzie, Do You Copy?

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— 1985, June 28th
"Hey, Mom?" You ran downstairs.
"Yes, Y/n?" Mom looked at you as she prepared juice for Holly.
"Where's... err— Mike?" You ask.
"El's." Mom replied. "Why?"
"Oh, I needed to ask him where he put my stuff." You shrug. "I let him borrow something."
You looked at Mom for a brief second before running upstairs, dozing off into a slumber.

8:49 am
"Nance?" You open Nancy's bedroom door.
You sigh to see an empty room. It's like, no one lives here anymore.
You ran downstairs, grabbing a toast.
"Good morning, hun." Mom smiled.
"Hey," You took a chomp before leaving.
"Where are you heading?" Mom asked as she fed Holly.
"Err, the mall." You smile. "Getting a job, maybe."

You walked to your car, dropping your bag in the front seat.
The car engine groaned as you started it. 
The song Head Over Heels immediately started playing as the car turned on.

"Shit, shit." You exited the car, snatching your bag.
You walked into Starcourt mall, the brand new mall of Hawkins. It opened not too long ago. Small businesses were booming in the mall.
The mall was always busy, from opening hours, all the way to the end.

You ran up to the second floor, racing into the ice cream parlor, Scoops 'Ahoy.
You walk in, noticing Steve serving ice cream almost immediately.
"Alrighty, one scoop of chocolate." Steve said, passing the customer the cone. "That's a buck-twenty-five."
"Anything else?" Steve asked them as they gave him money. "Ooh, Purdue. Fancy."
"Yeah, I'm excited." The girl said.

"Yeah, you know, I considered it," Steve smiled. "Purdue, but then I was like, you know what? I really think I need some real-life experience, you know?"
You walk up, waiting behind the girls.
"Before I hit college, see what it feels like." Steve rambled on. "Kinda like, uh, I don't know, see what it's like to earn a working-man's wage, you know? Uh..."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Steve panicked as the register beeped. "I think that's, like, really important."
"Yeah, totally." They nodded.
"Yeah, anyway, this was, like, so fun." Steve passed them the coins. "We should kind of like, you know, I don't know, maybe hang out this weekend or—"

You watch as Steve threw the coins at them. "Oh, sorry about that. Uh.." He stuttered. "I don't know. Maybe next weekend, or—"
"Yeah, I'm busy." She replied.
"Oh, that's cool. I'm— I'm working here next weekend, so... the following weekends better for me." Steve said.
"No. I'm sorry, I can't." The girl said before walking away with her friend.

"Wow, you suck Harrington." You smile, walking towards the counter.
"Hey!" He smiled.
"Nice, sailor suit." You scoff. "So, is she here?"
"Is... uh, who here?" Steve tilted his head.
"Robin." You smile as Robin came up from behind with a board labeled, You win, You suck.

"And another one bites the dust." Robin scoffed, marking a tally on You suck.
"Robin!" You wave.
"Y/n! No way, is that you?" Robin jumped over the counters.
"Yeah!" You hug Robin.
"Wait, wait, wait, how... how do you know her?" Steve looked at you.
"Oh... err— middle school." You smile.

"You look so stupid with that hat on." You laugh.
"Shut up." Steve sighed. "What brings you here? Besides Robin."
"Job applications." You opened your satchel.
"Oh?" Steve gasped.
"Wait, wait, Y/n, look at this." Robin smiled, pulling the board out.
"Wow, six, 'you suck' tally marks?" You stare in awe. "You know that means you suck, right?"

"Yeah, I can see that." Steve crossed his arms.
"Hey, do you guys have an extra hat? The 'Ahoy one." You look at Robin's head. "Y'know, to get in the spirit."
"Yeah, I think." Steve muttered.
"It's this stupid hat. I am telling you, it is totally blowing my best feature." Steve complained as Robin threw you an 'Ahoy hat.
"Then just, take it off." You shrugged as you placed the hat on your head.
"Company policy." Robin rested her arms on the counter. "You know, it's a crazy idea, but have you considered... telling the truth?"

"What? What truth?" You look at Steve.
"Nothing, it's stupid." He groaned.
"Oh, it's stupid for sure." Robin chuckled. "He didn't make it into Tech."
"Wow.." You gasp. "Anyway, can I work here?"
"We'll need to check in with the boss." Robin replied.
"And... how long would that be?" You asked, taking off the hat.
"Maybe a day or two." Robin looked at Steve. "Hey, twelve o' clock."

"Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Okay... Uh..." Steve looked as a group of teenager girls came in. "I'm going in. Okay? And you know what? Screw company policy." Steve said as he flung his hat off.

"Oh, my God, you're a whole new man." Robin gasped sarcastically.
"Wh.. what, dude, company policy??" You sigh.
"Ahoy, ladies! Didn't see you there." Steve yelled, startling the girls.

"Add another tally mark to 'you suck'" You said as you jumped over the counter.
"Mhm." Robin marked the board.
You sat down in the back.
"So, why are you really here?" Robin sat next to you.
"Job!" You smiled. "Like I said."
"Oh, really?" Robin looked at you.
"What? What else would it be?" You scoff. "Free ice cream?"

"Free Stevie Harrington." She whispered to you.
"What? Holy shit, no!" You got up.
"Mhm." Robin nodded her head. "You might be his first 'you win' tally mark."
"No way, I can't do that. He's so... icky, and not my type." You gag.
"Mhm, I agree with that." Robin smiled.

9:25 pm
"Damn. You guys suffer through that, everyday?" You groan as Steve and Robin closed the shop
"Yep." Steve replied, shutting off the lights.
"Hey, does anyone need a ride?" You ask.
"Actually, yeah." Steve looked at you. "My dad, he uh, dropped me off today.
"I'm good." Robin smiled before leaving.

"Alright, passenger, hop in." You unlocked your car.
You turned on the radio as your car switched on. The song Careless Whisper started playing

"Holy shit." You mutter to yourself as you back out.
"What?" Steve smiled.
"Nothing. Just the song." You smile back as you drove in the dark streets. "Not... not like it's bad... but it's just- I don't know."

You drove into Steve's driveway, quickly parking.
"Hey, weird question, but... do you wanna stay over?" Steve asked you.
"Mmm, I'm sorry, Harrington, I can't." You groan jokingly.
"Fine." He smiled. "Goodnight."

Stranger Things | s3 | y/n pov Where stories live. Discover now