Finn *2

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Clarke :
After finn hits the back of my head I black out but weirdly enough I can still feel everything hear everything and see everything, it's like I'm there but I'm not .I'm trapped in my mind and theres no escape. "I'm going to have fun with you" I hear Finns raspy voice , I don't know what he means but I'm sure it's not good . I see him unzip my pants , I try to stop him but then I remember 'I'm invisible' so I stand there ... useless , he finally manages to take take off my pants and throwing them across the room landing right next to bellamy , BELLAMY ! God if he can only wake up he's been out for about 30 minutes , if he's been out 30 minutes and he's still not awake how long until this torture will stop , I snap back to reality when I look over and see myself shirtless ,almost naked by the looks of it , finn was already un hooking my bra , once he finishes I'm naked and feel exposed , he starts taking off his shirt and pants in swift motions , he goes on top of me and starts... well you know, he finally finishes after about 20 minutes and just lays there next to me just looking at him makes me sick , how could finn do something like that , I'm horrified , suprisingly finn just sits next to me , his hand around my waist , waiting , but waiting for what , suddenly I see bellamys hand twitch and he quickly stands up and looks down in shock , for a minute I'm wondering what he's looking at but then it hits me , my clothes and Finns , he slowly looks up and sees Finns arm around my waist , and my arm on his chest , I look over and see that finn is asleep now and of course I'm unconcious . He quickly looks around and leaves the tent angrly , and who would blame him , I would think the same exact thing . A couple of minutes pass and I Flutter my eyes opened , I notice Finns hand on my skin , and everything comes flooding back and I'm scared , I start breathing fast and loud and wake up finn "look who's awake " he says with an evil smirk "you monster!"i scream , he grabs my wrist "if you tell anybody about this I will kill you" he says , I quickly grab my clothes and head to bellamys tent "bellamy ?" "What do you want , did lover boy dissapoint you already " "what are you talking about?" "I'm talking about the fact that you slept with finn!" He spats "what !?, I didn't sleep with finn ! " all of a sudden I can guess why he thinks that . "You know what forget it clarke , get out , NOW ! " I slowly turn around and walk our of the tent away from bellamy.
3 Days Later
it's been 3 days ,3 days since th e incident with finn ,3 days since I've talked to bellamy. In these 3 days I flinch when somebody gets close to me and the sight of finn disgusts me. It's unity day so we all decided to throw a party with montys moonshine , I decide that we need somebody sober just incase something happens so I decide to be that someone , I'm sitting on a log watching people do all crazy sorts of things like dancing and singing , when suddenly I see 2 girls around 16 ,17 year olds walking up to bellamy in short shorts , I found it kind of amusing that in winter they would be freezing , and I laughed at the thought , I snap out of my thoughts when I see bellamy and one of the girls walking hand in hand , and I feel something I never thought I would feel , jealousy , I can't take it anymore i have to tell him. I start pacing to the tent "get out now ! " I say to the girl ,she quickly gathers her clothes and runs out of the tent "who do you think you are to come in here and kick people out , plus your nobody to say anything about who I seep and who I don't slee- " "finn raped me " I blurt out interrupting him "what? " "when I was unconcious" so I didn't sleep with him by choice " "that bastard ! How can he do something like that , why didn't you tell me sooner " he says c in a calmer voice , "he said he was going to hurt you " "im going to kill him !" "No bellamy stop it !" But it's to late he's all ready walked out of the tent "Finn! " I hear him "I'm going to kill you , get out you coward !" I quickly run outside to the tent , everybody silent , not daring to say a word "im here , come and get me "

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