Intruders 2

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Hey guys I'm going to update finally whoop whoop! Now I need your guys opinion should I make a new bellarke story?? I WOULD STILL CONTINUE THIS ONE THOUGH but if guys want a new one please comment!!

I ran outside of the tent and got an some guns, I quickly gave one to Bellamy but he snatched mine away. "What are you doing Bellamy I need to go Now!" "Not today princess"  He put me inside of a tent and told me to stay put, I was ferious. Who w as he to tell me what to do, If I couldn't go with a weapon I would just have to go without one. I Hesitated at first but quickly ran out of the tent, only to see red smoke, but not for long. I passed out, and the last thing in I saw was men with mask walking up to me.
Please vote and comment, should I write more smut?? For you kinky people don't worry I'm too?? Don't forget to comment on my questions!

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