Intruders pt.2

132 5 1

Clarke's POV
I woke up in a hazy state, where the hell was I? I try to get up but I'm unable to. I look down to find myself in a white paper robe bound by leather attached at my wrists and a needle in my upper arm, I wince.
I start to hyperventilate.
Where am I?
Where's Bellamy?
I hear a big metal door slam and I quickly turn my head, a man in a hazmat suit walks in with a rolling tray filled with little orange bottles. "Where am I?" I ask him.
He stays quiet.
"Where am I?" I shout.
He stays quiet once again and turns around with 2 tiny pills in one hand a cup of water in an other. He forces me to open my mouth but i refuse. "No, no, leave me alone, stop!" I feel weak but I still manage to kick him. He drops the pills and the tiny paper cup and punches me. I stay still. Shocked and in pain. He calmly bends down and retrieved the pills, I open my mouth and swallow. He grabs my jaw forcefully and opens up my mouth to make sure I swallowed and then leaves. I start feeling droopy and sleepy. Where's Bellamy, I think to myself before the world goes dark.

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