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Clarke :
It was just yesterday that bellamy beat finn up , at first I was mad , but then I knew why he did it because he cared , I walked out of the dropship and into my tent , i grabbed my sketchbook and started drawing , when I draw I feel like nobody is there and it's just me , me and my sketchbook , I was drawing peacefully , until I heard laughing and cheering , I got my jacket and went outside , why was everybody so happy ? , but I didn't say anything , what's wrong with a little fun .people were sitting around the campfire and walking around drunk , I kept on moving around , hoping to see the one and only bellamy , I couldn't find him so I went inside his tent hoping he would be there , when I opened the flap i instantly regretted it , my vision was becoming a blur from the tears , crowded in my eyes , not falling down , I just stood there until he noticed Me there ,"clarke , it's not what it looks like , I promise " " NO ! You cheated on me "I said in a cracking voice "come on bell just tell her the truth" raven said with cockiness in her voice , god I could just punch her , with half of her clothes on , next to bellamy , I quickly cleared my face from the tears threatening to get out , I scoffed and quickly got out of the tent , how can he do something like that , I thought he actually cared , but I guess I was wrong , but he wasn't just going to get away with that , not today not ever "hey miller ! " I screamed across the camp already half way to him , I picked up my pace and kissed him hard on the lips, everybody was to drunk to notice but suprisingly he wasn't, he grabbed on to my waist and carried me to his tent never separating our lips , he placed me on the bed and took off his shirt as I took mine off , I knew I was going to regret it tomorrow , but this was now and I don't care , he closed his tent flap and made his way over to me .... this was going to be fun.

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