Epi. 21 - Love

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Jayesh's parents house 

"Do you love her?" His mother asked.

"Mom.." he said in shock.

"Tell me Jay. Do you love Shashini?" She asked him once again.

"I..I.. I..." Jayesh stammered.

His mother took a deep breath and said "Keep the guilt aside and think about the days you spent with her. You both lived in the same apartment for more than six months so think about those days."

Jayesh closed his eyes and started to think but his mom smacked his head and said "Go to your apartment and think. Not here."

Jayesh nodded his head and moved to his car.

"At Least this time consider your feelings first." His mom said making him frown in confusion.

But he went to his apartment and as soon as he entered he was welcomed by Shishimaru.

Whenever Jayesh comes home after work Shishimaru would look behind Jayesh for Shashini.

"I didn't bring your momma Shishimaru." Jayesh said sadly and sat on the couch. 

Shishimaru sat near his leg.

On the other side..

It's been 2 days since Shashini came to Kangra Valley which is in Himachal Pradesh.

"Pa, when did you buy this tea estate?" Shashi asked while placing the biscuits in front of him.

"Last year Sweety. I know you wished to live in these kinds of places so I bought this and also a few other tea estates in different states." Alexander said casually and Shashi gasped.

"Sweety." She heard a familiar voice after years and turned her head towards the main gate.

Jenith was walking towards her.
Shashi teared and ran towards him.
He opened his arms and engulfed her in a hug.
Both of them cried their heart out holding each other.

"Sorry Sweety.. I'm really sorry." He said.

"Sorry Jeni.. I shouldn't have left without a word." She said.

"Ohh.. man enough of your sorry's. Let me hug my Bulbul." Ashwin said.

"Ashwin." Shashi said in shock.

"Yeah, it's me." He said.

She hugged him.

"How do you both know that I'm here? When did you come to India? When you both got united back? She questioned without a gap.

Jenith made Shashi sit on the chair and sat opposite her.

"Dad told me that he brought you here. I came to India three weeks ago for an important deal." Jenith answered her first two questions.

"We met accidentally and spoke. That's it." Ashwin answered the last question.

They had their dinner together and tried their best not to take the conversation regarding the dreadful past events that happened in their life.

"Tomorrow we're leaving." Ashwin said.

"At Least be with me for two days." Shashi said with a puppy face.

"Sharon's delivery date is nearing Bulbul." Ashwin said 

"I want to see Smith. It's been days." Jenith said sadly. 

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