Epi. 19 - Sorry

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Jenith, that is Jaydan, came and sat on the sofa.

The present Jaydan is Jenith.

Jenith sat while wiping his tear droplets.

"How did you know that your brother loved Hasini?" Ashwin asked.

"Krish used to share everything with me. One day he told me that he's going to pay a surprise visit to Vellore to meet Hasini but before that his colleague is getting married so he went to Mumbai to attend the function.

After the wedding they had a party in the Paradise hotel. While entering the hotel he must have seen Hasini I mean Shashi with Jaydan. He called me around 3am and told me that Hasini cheated on him and he was fully drunk. Next day he kept on calling her but her phone was not reachable and in the evening once again he drank fully until he lost his mind and jumped off from the cliff while talking to me on the phone." Jayesh said and closed his eyes remembering those dreadful moments.

The actual thing that happened is.

Yes, Krish came to Paradise hotel around 11.30pm and saw a boy and girl talking and giggling near the car.

He noticed the girl keenly and found it was his Hasini but it was Shashini who was holding Jaydan's arm.

Krish was shocked to the core.

Few people spoke with Shashini and Jaydan and moved outside the hotel.

Krish stopped those persons and enquired about Jaydan and Shashini.

As those people were fully drunk they told him they are soon to be married couples and had their engagement yesterday and also they said Jaydan is a CEO of AL industry.

Krish heard until the word engagement after that he didn't hear anything because his mind went blank. His friends took him to the party and made him drink alcohol without knowing Krish's state. Then Krish called his brother and told that his lover ditched him and went with a big business man. When Krish was busy drinking alcohol, Hasini was drenched in blood because of the accident. Next day he kept on calling her but due to the accident her phone was damaged. As Shashi turned into Hasini. No one bothered about Hasini's phone. If Shashini didn't change her identity into Hasini. Surely from Hasini's number Bhuvana and Dinesh would have been informed about Hasini's death. After the umpteenth number of tries Krish drank alcohol in the evening but that time the last rituals of Hasini were happening in the cemetery. Later that night Krish jumped off from the cliff without knowing that Hasini had already died and all the day he was just cursing a person who was already dead.

"He must have seen my brother." Jenith said.

Jayesh nodded his head.

Everyone sat in silence for sometime.

"So , what are you going to do now?" Ashwin asked Jayesh.

"Let him do whatever he wants but he should not come anywhere near Shashi." Jaydan said.

Ashwin sighed mentally.

"You have hurted her more than you think. She loves you more than she loved my brother." Jenith said, making Jayesh's eyes widen in shock.

He looked at Ashwin to confirm what Jenith said.

Ashwin nodded his head in approval.

"Just one line my brother spoke ill about her and got a slap from her but you insulted her, hurt her and accused her for the mistakes she has never done but in return she didn't slap you ,she didn't say anything not even a word. She left silently because she didn't want to hurt you with her words or actions. That's why she left." Jenith said with a sigh.

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