Epi. 26 - Will you marry me?

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"Aren't you leaving with us?" Jayesh's mom asked him.

Jayesh sighed and said "It's already Wednesday mom. However I'm going to come here on Friday so it's better that I stay here."

"You're travelling too much." She worried and caressed her son's head.

"I don't have an option , mom. Even though the continuous travelling is tiring the moment I see her face everything will vanish in thin air." He said with a smile.

"She will forgive you, don't worry." She assured.

Jayesh smiled in return.

This conversation was heard by Shashini.

Everyone left. Jayesh settled in the living room while Shashini stood on the first floor and looked at him.

The dark circles were clearly visible screaming that he didn't get good sleep for the past few months. She also noticed that he had lost weight.

'He's suffering.'she thought and went to her room.

It's Friday evening. 

Shashini was sitting in the garden with Shishimaru.

"Do you think that I should forgive him?" She asked Shishimaru.

Shishimaru barked in return.

"But he made a mistake. How can I forget and forgive easily? He broke my heart." She said.

Shishimaru was just looking at her.

"Everyone needs a chance to prove themselves, so do you think that I should give him a chance?" She asked.

Shishimaru barked.

"I don't know what is stopping me?" She said.

Shishimaru jumped from her lap when he saw a butterfly and started to chase it.


"Shashi...." she heard a familiar voice.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"Sweety don't you remember me?" He asked, turning towards her.

"Jay." She shouted in shock and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you Jay." She cried in his embrace while he patted her head softly.

"Jay...." she called him, parting the hug.

"Sweety, you love him right?" Jay asked.

"Who?" She asked innocently.

"Jayesh." Jay said.

Shashini nodded her head.

"Then, why can't you forgive him?" He asked.

"I don't know Jay." She replied and tears filled her eyes.

"Do you know what is stopping you from accepting him?" He asked.

Shashini shook her head in denial.

"It's your fear. Fear of losing your loved ones. What if he leaves you again? This is what your subconscious mind is thinking and stopping you from accepting him." Jay said.

"Yes, you're right." She accepted.

Jay chuckled and said "He won't leave you Sweety. Believe him. He will cherish you for sure."

"Really?" She asked innocently.

Jaydan nodded his head and said "Don't confuse yourself Sweety. Give him a chance and you'll be worth it."

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