Merleah POV

I slowly begin to wake up. I feel im in a soft bed like im laying on a cloud. the sheets are soft and smell clean .  I open my eye's to see a beautiful room . Done up in a rustic elegance . A perfect mixture of old and new dark and light.  Valted celing of dark and light toned wood .  Wood floors of simaler tones and looks . Light grey almost white walls a fireplace of a mixture of dark and light grey stones the bed I'm on is large done nicely in white and grey bedding. structure of dark wood tones. bright light streaming into the room . Windows looking out I can see the mountain  . overlooking the forest peppered of houses farms and fields. 
It's beautiful isnt it a voice says . I look around seeing no one . Um yes yes it is. The voice laught.  Im inside you she says . Im your creature. Hello creature  Where are we? I ask her . Where were ment to be . You are seeing the magic mountain. You know what your ment to do . I'm here to help guide you . Where is here exactly?  In the kings castle creature tells me  . As I get up from the bed walking to a huge floor to ceiling mirror the mirror it's self is a work of art , But I'm looking at the girl in the reflection.  Is this truely me I ask.  Seeing my eye's  still the same colors blues,greens and gold with just a punch more vibranceto the colors. The almost glow . Same strange grandmother's irish roots color of reddish blonde colore but it now falls down my back in waterfall curls stopping at my hips. I look young almost myself at 18 still my fathers sharp jaw and cheek bones sofened with my own mother with the goddess's features now thrown in as well. I'm still short around five foot two . I haave nice plump round breasts , and a butt to be envious of .The goddess truly did give me a beautiful upgrade.
She made us beautiful didn't she . I say to my creature  .  Indeed she did , and it's only the beginning for you  . You will be upgraded two more times. but we will speak of that later. Time to meet the King she says. wha. I didnt get to finish as a very large man opens the door.
  He's every bit of six foot six or greater. Hair as dark as crow feathers. Two diffrent color eye's one of diffrent shades of green like every color of the forest swirled into one pallet. the other blue like sky and water mixed together. Well definded chest that even with his shirt is a body worthy of a god. He smiles at me which is when I realise I'm staring at him.
I shake myself out of my thoughts. 
Um hi I say.
He laughts Hi i see your awake . we were beginning to worry.
How long have I been here?
Two weeks he says .
Damn how'd I get here? I ask
Well we found you sleeping in a field of flowers near the mountain. It's like someone just layed you there.
I nod my head now instantly understanding.  That's because I was. I replied  .
Looking at me like a nut job he asks How ?How do you know that?
Mother moon said so she told me I was going to be placed . In her favorite pack of wolves . I am ment to be here to work with the king to guide and help prepare for the reset. I tell him
He's looking at me like his eye's are about to pop out of his head. I wait a few minutes letting him soak in the information.  He eventuly shakes himself out  .  Reaches his hand out to me . It's an honer daughter of the goddess I am king kayson of the royle pack. 
I shake his hand  Merleah messanger of the goddess. Now if you could kind sir . I need food and clothes . Oh My Goddess coffee please . You have had some I can smell it . Don't be stingy my king.  He laughts . I can do that.  While I clean feed and prepare myself my king . I need you . To rally your inner circle . Peaper for a meeting  .  We need to get ready for step one of the reset.  I hold my hand to stop his question I know thats coming. I will answer and explain the first step In the meeting.  we need papers pens map of the your land . He's looking at me beyond confused  . heading to the door to do as I ask.
Oh! he stops  and looks at me with a raised brow.  Don't forget your parents in the circle . He gives me a weird look  . Um ok I wont. He leave probably feeling very un kingly .  As I head to the bathroom to ready myself for the first long day of many to come.

The Reset ,The canada mountain. Book 1 of the Magic  Mountain New world .seriesWhere stories live. Discover now