Merleah Pov

Holly crap I can hold my own aginst a Beta werewolf . I'm truly blessed by mother moon . All I can do is keep thanking her , nothing I say will ever express my gradatude to her. I head to brunch Thinking to keep it light for now . Were having a pack dinner befor the meeting. I'd been decided the just under shifting age will stay with the little kids in the media room for a movie night. Elder Eden since she has her own connection and has an idea of what the meetings about offered to watch the infants It's night so most will be asleep anyway.
I head to my room for a long bath maybe a little nap since I have a few hours. Yeah a little nap would be good this meeting will be long and emotional. I get to my room strip my clothes . While the water runs in the tube I add some nautural coconut oil and seasalt. I climb in and lean back relaxing in the hot water.
Twp hours later I wake up in cold water . Shit nothing like multi tasking I thought. I hurry up . Wash myself and shampoo and condition my hair. Yet another blessing No body hair at least nones grown yet. I pull the plugand climb out drying myself as I think what to wear. A dress just pops out onto the bed . It's a simialer version to mother moons own gown. White knee lenght flowy dress exept where hers swirled with greys mine swirls with blue green and gold It's perfect. I fix my hair to let my waterfall curls free reaching my hips . I do naturale make up just a smug of lip color and charcole mascara. I put on my underwear and bra slip in my dress and im ready I decided no shoes because I'm leading us to a new beginning a more natural way of life . If you don't want or need to wear shoes don't. Off i go for dinner man am I nervous.

Dinner went great everyone was relaxed and happy . It sucks that i'll break it. We head outside the moon is rising mother is watching i just know it. King kayson addresses the pack and introduced me. I stand up pulling a stool with me . Hello my name is merleah messanger of the moon goddess. First off i suggest you all take a seat this will be a long meeting with loads of information shocking news This will be one hell of a meeting I told them. I wait for everyone to sit. Then i begin .
I'd like to start with an apolagies to all because all this information will be bitter sweet this will effect everyone. And to king Kayson Ive come here knocking him and your high racks through a loop and never ending tasks . After tonight well all be busy from sun up to sun down all our lives are about to change. I have been given a task from mother moon to lead you all threw a reset . All the gods and goddess's agree this world is to messed up currently to be fix . There are other messangers around the world doing simialer that I'm doing here with all the other kinds of. Just a few days ago you all felt a desturbance in the pack lands . That was myself being placed here and the mountain being infused with magic . To be open for us to prepare to rest and go into the awakening . The reset is excactly as it sounds . When you have a device and it's acting up your last resort is to factory reset . In this situation we are the device Inside the mountain is a home magicly inhanced to help provided . But we haft to help it out stock dry food fabics basic all naturl every day needs that we can stock pile . well haft to relearn all old world trades . Such as grinding own flour and suger make our own clothes just for some examples . As of tomarrow if your job in the pack is not warrior doctor and other haft to have jobs are to not return to your jobs this pack is like 3000 members at least half of you will be packing and moving into the mountain we need to have as much stocked moved and ready to go by the harevest moon . The goddess told me I'll shift into my creature under the harvest moon . I do not know why she gave me such a spacific date . So Im using it as a warning .
This leads me to telling of the awakening . The goddess has decided while we are at it it's time for her creations to evole get an update. She's using me as a example of what you could get out of this months of hard work. I was just a few months ago Haven Gibbson 37 year old human with a husband a three step children . four dogs goddess knows how many cats my husband had . My father had passed but I had a living mother , a sister with 5 beautiful children. A home Long lost hopes and dreams because parenting and family took over my time . A person who would give you there last dollar just so you could be happy to have one. I always believed in the gods and goddesses over juat one human god and jesus . It's always been a lot less vain. But I got cancer there was no trearing it . So I set my affairs in order and I died alone I couldn't bring myself to tell them I was dying I wanted them to have happy days .
Then I woke up in the relm of the moon goddess she had chosen me given me new life i have 1/3 of my awakening A preview of what can happen to all of you . because when we go to sleep the first night when the mountain seals the awakening will happen in full force not just to us the mountain home the kingdom all will amp to its true beauty we are only seeing the preview like me . your body's minds wolves all will change . I dpn't know how much or how little everyone will change just thats you will. Young shifters i believe theres around 50 of you who appear to have a weaker wolf . lots of nods they are not weak you got a preview wolf you are ment to help me in the final stage of the reset you have already been approched by the docors or tTony the head warrior. This is because I need you to know how to help me.Because when it's getting close to us needing to hurry up and finish the reset . We will have older wolves getting aggervated or aggresive . Unlike myself and the young wolfs were our awakening is slow others are getting it almost all at once . Doctors this is what the heavy tranqulizers are for a number of you older wolves may haft to be put to bed earlyso we can be succeful. in getting everyone inside the mountain before it closes.
Now a happyish message for the mateless do to either not finding them being rejected or death . The goddess is redoing mates because well sad trueth is I don't know if others are coming with us or not . Not my call. anyway mates will be found after people wake up this could take longer for some than others . From this night On I heaviely suggest No sex for the mateless . I was made pure in my awakening but I was given no warning as you are so from this night forward keep your pants on and legs shut. You don't want to be stuck with no mate and the job of a sex toy to service people who haft to wait due to them either being not born or under age yet or to yours is in another kingdom waiting for the new world . The goddess will forgive years of waiting not months.
Young ones start studing and shadowing . Knowledge will truly equal power .I woke up to going from a good no complaints cook and baker to knowing every recipe ever made just for example . Knowing a little of something could lead to knowing all of something. Parents of non shifting age I do not know if this mind blowing knowlage will continue into the younge ones or do they just get the creature and a magic gift . Yes magic gifts are a part of the awakening as well so far it seems i can multiply food I don't know if there is more or not. And parents be warned a wolf and a wolf might no longer equal a wolf . The gods and goddesses what to bring back exstinct shifters or breed new ones So they could be any animal . As i said in the beginning all will change just the children will be last and over the years as they come of age only thing that may happen at the adult awakening is the goddess sprinkling some sleep magic on your kids while the adults are out. Any questions?

The Reset ,The canada mountain. Book 1 of the Magic  Mountain New world .seriesWhere stories live. Discover now