Merleah POV

We head out to gather everyone and head to the mountain. Well thisis going to be a long walk . I pout this is like the cookies being done but being told you haft to wait to eat them . I was supposed to get a ride to the mountain now 3000 people no way but to walk. What's wrong Merleah nathen asks I'm disappointed I say I was supposed to have a ride to the mountain now I got to walk to the mountain I pout. He laughts you can havea piggy back ride he says . No I can't I'm saving all that stuff I tell him . Why he ask . Because In my past I didn't see how a simple piggyback ride a held hand a simple kiss could be so special to a life partner . Besides Three things now I can offer my mate all my first because I've been reborn and made pure . Arles was told by the goddess to give me rides , Kayson only carried me because I was passed out in a field and I hugged someone I cared about who died . All good reasons not that im dissaointed because we was to get to the mountain in less time. I explain myself . That's pretty amazing Tasha says . Thank you I tell her. At least it's a pretty day.

We finally reach the mountain . I need to hug Atles I didn't realise how much time the wolf for saved . As we get there the pack is greating us . They had been warned of the new comers there unsure but that's understandable . As and Ron told the others on the walk here . We'll tell everyone together of our history inturn tell everyone how each of us was in our human life. Zane had said how there's a amphitheater in the kingdom . We'll have a meeting after dinner . What's for dinner!!! I exclamed I'm hungrey like a wolf I say cheekly smiling. Everyone laughs . Taco's Rose says . Oh my favorite I exclamed Running into the moutain. Damn I forgot how beautiful this place is . I reach the dining room most of the packs already here now the new comers . I head to the buffet and loaded my plate over full this eating for two and not gaining wait is awsome . I find a seat followed by the others . We have a nice chat with easy conversation going on everywhere . They are melting together already and we haven't even done anything yet .
After dinner we all head out . This is my first time going past a first glimps because we needed to get things done now to have time to look it amazing a true dream of a place to live . We get to the theater I'm nervous again but after last time I learned just be truthful bare all and let be will be . Ron and I walk to the stage . The rest sit with everyone else this time . I walk to the center I waved my hand and produced two stools . Good evening wolves and new comers . or those of you who don't know me I am Merleah messanger of the moon goddess and the man beside me is Ronald messanger of the goddess of magic . He and his arrieved earlier today . With a second messanger come new information . To recape the prior meeting because 3001of you wasnt here you may already know but just in case . We are currently in the tell end of a reset the heavens know there will be a huge wold war and it will be bad most if not all will die so they came together to perserve or merge there creations . So they created and sent out messangers like us around the world this mountain kingdom is only one of I don't know how many around the world and I'd said in previous meeting we might not now are not getting sealed in alone . With Ronald and the magial beings came a second riddle and with the the two together it makes sense the creatures in fused with magic and magic infused with the creature . The wolves know how to understand and use there creatures and the magics know how to understand and use their magic . I beilve I may or may not have been wrong that the children will rebirth the endangered or extinced but still could be possible but I beleive the magics are getting the rebirth it's not 100% though we wont know till it happens . It's both exciting and alarming because where any new shifter is a possability of an unrulie creature . But we have eight weeks till the awakening we need to try to start training and explaining both sides maybe there will be less problems. And yes it's been solidefied that the harvest moon is when the mountain will seal . Does everyone understand I ask.
A pretty little elf spoke up how will we know we're getting an animal and what . Normaly the creature starts speaking in your head up to a month before your shift but because this whole situation isn't normal I'm not sure if this is how you'll get yours i believe thats why it's best to get at least some talks in between the two kinds so each know what to do I say. Is it true you and Ronald knew each other in your former lives another ask
Yes we did we knew each other well I say Was he your boyfriend River popped up . I laught Oh my no he was my farher in law my husbands steop dad I did and do love him but as family . Was/is such a wonderful man a declorated war hero he treated everyone as someone he was loud a bit crazy once he pulled you in on a conversation the next you knew hours passed . He'd tell his life stories with some much detail you could see it feel it. My life was blessed with him in it how he died was horribal . How did he die Tony asked. I look at Ron asking permission he nods giving it .He was murdered by my sister on law for twenty thousand dollars in his bank account five years ago . So unfair he got he got years to get his goup together I got months I died in october visited the moon and back my march to have my mission done by september I smile showing I'm joking . I'm sorry you died before your birthday. What was her birthday someone asked December 24 1984 Ron replays . His is more impresive I say August 21 1949 I smile Omg he looks 30ish amazing right thats . How did you die one of the witches asked Cancer it was found in final stage I only had weeks I tell them . You had Johnathan and the kids right Ron asked No Dad I was alone it was my own fault but I didn't want to die a burden. I wanted to be the strong woman I always was even though I wasn't . Plus I didn't want to see it I didn't want to know . If I did or didn't matter because thats the world we lived in where you die and in days people move on . But now after being reborn and tossed to the wolves to lead them to safety because the worlds as we kow it will end . If the goddess decided I turn to ash the night of the moon when you all are safe I can die happy if its needed because I help save 2900 lives thats something that matters youre going to remember my name and my life hada reason i look at the wolves. Miss Merleah will you sing to us again a young one asks . I smile bright yes yes I will . I have the perfect song its what I want for everyone in this kingdom appearing a insterment and I play and sing.

Beyonce ( I was Here)

The Reset ,The canada mountain. Book 1 of the Magic  Mountain New world .seriesWhere stories live. Discover now