Chapter Sixteen

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Romano's POV

Suddenly I saw black. I couldn't move and I felt a warm being behind me. I heard a steady heart beat against my head. Along with a steady breath going in and out calmly. Where was I? Why can't I open my eyes? Why can't I move any limps? What was happening to me?

I calmed myself down and looked back in my memories trying to remember. I got nothing. It was blank. Empty. I don't even know my own names....'I'm here to protect you' Who was the one that said it? I know his voice. It was smooth and rich, like an angle's voice. How he talked in his Spanish accent, the words rolling off his tongue sent chills down my spine.

I need to wake up. I need to remember. I focused all of my energy to try and raise my hand. I imagined it laying to my side, lifeless and tried so hard to move it. My breathing faltered and I got light headed but I saw, I felt my finger move. I kept pushing and pushing until my whole arm rose up. A vision over took my mind.

I was laying in a bed, a hospital bed. I looked over to my side and saw a brunette man with beautiful emerald eyes sparkling back at me. He had a joyful smile plastered on his face a visible glow radiating from him. I know this man, but from where? What is our relationship? He spoke and the same gorgeous Spanish voice came out. "I'm so happy you're awake Roma......I've missed you so much......" He's missed me? He must be close to me then. But how? How does he know me? Who is-

Spain. I remember. It's Spain! My boss! My friend! My lover! How could I forget him?! And me.......I'm Romano. Italia Romano. South Romano. Lovino Vargas. I'm a country and so is he......I remember.

The world went black again and felt the heart beat against by head once more. I have to open my eyes. I have to find Spain again. So I imagined I was looking on at myself and I pushed. I pushed to open my eyes. I had to come back. I was in so much pain, but suddenly my eyes sprang open. I had control again. Moving my hand slightly I smiled. Spain looked down to me.

"Roma. You're awake"

"Si........And I'm never leaving" He became confused.

"Que? Leaving? How are you leaving?" I chuckled slightly and grabbed his hand squeezing slightly.

"It doesn't matter........all that matters is I'm with you......and I'm safe" I couldn't tell him about my nightmare......He would worry and get stressed about it. I can't have that happen. I love him too much.

"Okay! As long as you're happy mi tomate~" He poked my nose and then giggled. "You're so cute when you blush~" I was blushing? I felt my cheeks heat more so I pouted. Unlike Spain, I hated my blush.

"Stop talking about it"

"Awwwww! But you're so cute when you blush!"

"Don't call me cute! I'm a man! A manly man!" He giggled again and poked my extremely red cheek.

"Of course you are"

"Hey! I am! And I'm not cute either! I'm handsome!"

"Si Lovi~ You are my handsome tomato" I blushed more and covered my face with my hands.

"F-Fuck off bastard!" I heard him giggle and then felt his warms come in contact with min, removing them from my face.

"Don't hide your gorgeous face Lovino......I love you and I want to see your eyes. Your beautiful honey stung eyes. I want to see them open and glistering back to me. I want to see your skin. The perfectly tan skin that blushes ever so lightly and is full of life. I love every part of you. So don't cover them up. I don't know what I would do without you, so let me take in every bit of you while I can....."

I studied his eyes and a weary, solemn look replaced his normal cheerful one. "Spain? Are you worried that you'll loose me?" He went silent and didn't talk for a couple of minutes. When he did it was a whisper.

"Yes the last month you've come so close to death....twice....and....

and I'm worried......and I'm holing on to you.....and I'm spending every moment I can with you.......just in case........just in case you are taken from me...........


"Spain.........I'll never leave you. I'll stay-"

"No Romano! You almost died twice! And it could happen again! I could loose you! You could be taken away! Forever! And!.........and I don't know what I would do if this happens......." I looked into his eyes and warm tears fell down his slightly red cheeks. This isn't helping him at all......

"Then hold on to me"


"Don't let me go......fight for me......and I'll fight......I'll never give up....and with the two of us together......we'll over come" I gave him a small smile, hoping to take away his tears. He giggled and wiped away any evidence that he was crying and held my cheek lightly.

" need to smile more......It lights up a room"

"It's a strong power.....shouldn't I save it for only your viewing? Or it might loose that power"

"True true Roma........" His strong arms wrap around me and he pulls me closer, kissing my forehead sweetly. "I think I would get jealous if anyone else saw your beautiful smile....." I blush a deep red and he giggles. "Mi Tomate es un tomate!"

"I'm not! You're just seeing things bastard!" I tried to push away from him, but he held me tighter.

"I'm not letting you go" He whispered in my ear, causing me to stop struggling. "You wouldn't leave my side as ling as you're here Roma........"

He's being protective. Very protective. But it's understandable. I was kidnapped, and almost died twice. It's still a little unsettling. The way his voice was cold and how it rang through my head. But I love him. And we'll over come this. We have to.

My Henchman(Spain x Romano)Where stories live. Discover now