Chapter Nineteen

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Romano's POV

We walked into the house and a smell of tomatoes and fresh sheets over came my nose. Just how I remembered Spain's house. I haven't really been back her since my chibi days. I've visited every so often but he always came to me when we were together and we lived at my house too because I lived the Italian climate better.

The only reason we are in Spain is that Spain, the person thought we would be safer from the man to tried to hurt me. Which really makes no sense because Spain killed him but whatever. I was at least happy that for the first time in weeks I'll be able to be with Spain, just Spain. It hasn't been like that sense before my birthday.

Oh god I wish I wish I wasn't so cruel to him that day before my birthday. If I didn't bite his head off then none of this properly would have ever happened....


I sat on the sofa solemnly hoping that Spain would forget what tomorrow was. He and Felinciano always make a big deal about it and I hate it. I just want to have one year that March 17th can just be a day. A completely normal day just like March 16th and March 18th are. But that's wishing for too much isn't it?

Spain came flopping down next to me with a big smile on his face. He was going to bring it up. "So Lovi~" He started sweetly. "You do know what tomorrow is right?" There it is. Didn't I tell you he would bring it up?

"Spain, don't start on this. The only interesting thing about tomorrow is that the moon with be new and the date with be march 17th. Its just a normal day"

"But Roma! It's your birthday! You should celebrate it! It would be fun!"

"No it wouldn't. How will loud music, loud people, and chit chat be fun? Music annoys me. People annoy me. And social events are my living hell for awkwardness."

"It's because you always look at the negatives. Look on the positives! You get to see your brother again after a while right?"

"Why the fuck do I want to see my brother?"

"Lovi! Don't be like that! He's your younger brother and you should support him!"

"He is a grown fucking man that needs to learn to take care of himself and stop clinging to that damn potato!"

"Lovi.....Please calm down....everything will be fine"

"You know what? Whatever. What fucking ever. I don't care anymore. If you want to fucking go you can fucking go"

"Okay Lovi~ I'll try to make this a day to remember!"

"Now get the fuck out of my house!"

"what? But Lovi we have been sleeping together for like forever....."

"I don't care! Get out! I don't want to see you until tomorrow! Now get the fuck out of here!" He sighs and nods slowly leaving the house. This is the first time in months that I'll be sleeping by myself....It was going to be a long night of no sleep.

I wish I could take back that fight....If I wasn't being dumb and pushed him away I wouldn't have gotten kidnapped. He and I would have drove to the party together. We would be happy, all things considered and I wouldn't have caused so many people pain. All from one choice.

Sighing I sit down in one of the arm chairs in the living room trying to push that memory out of my head. I don't want to think of the past....I want to think of the now.

Spain sits next to me smiling like he always does. "I never want you to leave Roma~"

"Why would I ever have to leave? I can stay here for ever"

"Oh I wish that was true Lovi...."

"Spain....? What do you mean my that?"

"Nothing! I didn't mean anything about that!"

"Come on Spain....tell me"

"All in good time Lovi.....All in good time" I don't know why but Spain has been acting wired...It's like he knows something is going to happen. I want to know now but I have this freaky feeling that I'm not getting anything out of him. I wouldn't push....I guess I should just listen to him and wait for the future. All in good time...

~Author's Note~

Okay first of all SORRY that I haven't been updating. Final exams and all. Any who sorry that this chapter is short too but I'll be updating for often. I think I am going to have a schedule of Monday, Wednesday, and then Friday between my three stories going on right now and then whenever I can on the weekends. I don't know. It all depends. How long are you guys willing to wait for the next update? Let me know and I'll do it! Thanks for reading!


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