Chapter Eighteen

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Romano's POV

I woke up rubbing my eyes from a short siesta I took in Spain's arms. That was the first time since my birthday that I didn't wake up from a nightmare. It was relaxing. Spain gently stroked my hair, brushing it away from my face and then kissed my forehead lightly.

"Good morning mi amore..."

"I slept into the night and all the way into the morning?"

"Si...but you needed it. I haven't seen you sleep that soundly in weeks...I didn't want to wake you."

"oh...did you sleep?" I brushed his cheek with my finger tips seeing dark circles shading his normally bright green eyes.

"No...I wanted to be there in case you had a nightmare..."

"You should sleep then"

"No I'm haven't slept well in weeks. This was just one night. Anyway I don't want to miss a second of your gorgeous honey eyes..." I blushed slightly and pushed away playfully.

"Why do you have to make my heart skip a beat?" He giggled.

"Because I just love making you blush my little Roma..." I blushed more and pushed his face away from mine.

"Stop you damn bastard" He giggled again and move my hand from his face.

"You're so cute~"

"I'm not-"

"You're handsomely cute~"

"Whatever bastard"

"Oh!" He said energetically "I just remembered! The doctor came in this morning and said you can go home today!"

"That's information I would have liked earlier!"

"Lo siento Roma...but hey! At least you know now right?" He smiled cheekily and I sighed. I couldn't stay mad at him when he smiled like that.

"It's okay..I'm sorry though. I over reacted and shouldn't of yelled at you..." I said as I looked down blushing. In the corner of my eye I saw his smile widen and then felt his fingers brush my cheek and then going down to my chin making me look up.

"Don't look down my little Lovi...You're too beautiful to hide your face" He said, causing my cheeks to radiate a dark shade of red. He kissed my nose softly and then held my head. "You're so beautiful...if you were a tomato I would eat you right up, my delirious little tomato" He started laying soft kisses over my face.

"S-Spain...if I turned a darker shade of red I'll die.." I said to him pushing him away. He pulled back and smiled to me.

"We don't want that now do we?" He pecks my lips lightly and then leans back holding me close. "I don't know what I would do if you died..."

"Hey don't think about that...I'm alive now and I'm not leaving"

"But you'll have to leave Roma..."

"What do you mean?"

"All in good time'll find out" he said rather sadly. He wasn't himself, and something is different. I don't know what though.

"Spain. Please tell me what's up. I want to-" He shushed me and covered my mouth with a single finger.

"Shh Roma...don't worry about what I'll find out in time...just...we're both alive now so don't worry."

"Okay..." I was still confused but I wasn't going to push him. We all have secrets and even if I don't like them I'll let it go. I'll find out soon enough.

"Good'll find out soon." I nod and both of our attentions are drawn to the door as my doctor.

"Hello Mr. Vargas." He said in a rather low voice. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling a lot better. There is barely any pain left"

"Okay. That's good" He smiled slightly to me. "You'll be able to go home today. There's a few test I have to run to make sure you're all healed, but once I'm done with that you may go home."

"Thank you very much. So can you run the test now so I can get home sooner?"

"Of course. If you would get out of the bed Mr. Carriedo so I can run the test." Spain nods, and kisses my forehead lightly before getting out of the bed sitting in the chair to the side.

"Very good. Lets get started." the doctor said as he put on a pair of gloves. He lifted up my shirt and examined the scares before gently pressing down on it as if he was massaging it. He then checked my blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing.

"You're look good. Everything is in normal ranges so you you can leave whenever you would like."'"Okay. Thanks doc..." The doctor smiles to me and nods exiting the room. "So can we go home Spain? I hate hospitals..." Spain chuckles and ruffles my hair.

"Si Lovi...We're going home" I gave him one of my rare smiles and then stood up walking to him. He put his arm around my waist and pulled my closer kissing my head. Resting my head on his chest we walked out of the room. I listened closely and heard the steady heart thumbing of his heart. A consent in my life. something reliable.

It was a slow walk home, but enjoyable. Spain and I talked and laughed or sometimes just stayed silent listening to each others breathing. Listening to hear that our other half is alive.

We arrived to Spain's house at about lunch time, the walk lasting two hours. He smiled down to me and I smiled to him. It was a perfect day. Unlocking the door, he opened his arms and said projecting his voice. " Home Sweet Home"

My Henchman(Spain x Romano)Where stories live. Discover now