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One year later

I'm pretty sure my birthday at Aunt Sandy's lake is going to be a tradition now. Just like last year, we have large floatation devices, coolers full of alcohol and country music blasting out of Bluetooth speakers. There is a line for the rope swing and a strawberry tart with thirty-one candles sitting in a box in the cooler, just waiting to be devoured.

This year, however, I am not jumping off the rope swing because I am terrified it will jostle the three-month-old embryo that I currently have growing in me and I am not chancing that.

I spot Waffles, my birthday present from Finn last year, come barreling down the dock and watch as she soars into the water. I feel Finn slide his arm around me as he comes to stand next to me in the ankle-deep water and he says, "That dog loves the water." She pokes her head out and doggie paddles around Alyssa who is sprawled out in an innertube that looks like a sprinkle donut. Her and I started wine and trash TV Thursday's while our men bowl and it's nice to have a friend that I am not paying.

"I told you golden retrievers are the most precious," I coo and then Finn places a hand over my torso.

"How are you feeling today?" He asks and we both glance down at his hand that is covering my exposed belly.

"No dry heaving yet. So that's good. I am about ready to eat that entire tart though."

"Didn't you just have a veggie burger and fries?" Finn asks me and I nod. He groans like that's the sexiest thing I could have done and I laugh. I stopped counting calories right after I stopped taking sponsored post requests and it's been freeing. Not having the pressure of looking and acting perfect because I had the weight of a national organization on my shoulders has been the best thing for my mental health.

"Hopefully I fit into my dress next month," I say as I rub my hands in circles over my torso. I don't have a bump yet even though I wake up every morning expecting one.

"You are the one insisting on wearing a dress. I'd take you to the court house now in that bikini and you don't even have to worry about it."

"You're having a wedding Finny, get over it," Mel tells him as she swings an arm around his waist. "She is going to be the most beautiful bride." She grins at me and I am elated that Mel and I got over our beef. We were forced to when I finally sold Sadie's house a few weeks after fully flipping it and was planning on living at Finn's full time. She's the maid of honor in our wedding and even came to New York with me to get my dress from Kleinfelds. She was ecstatic when I got her brother to agree to a large wedding, even though all it took was me batting my eyelashes and saying please. He really does have a hard time telling me no. Except for when I wanted to shiplap our mudroom. That was a firm no.

"There is the birthday girl!" Mimi says before pulling me into her. "I just showed Brenda pictures of y'alls house. She wants you to come fix up her place now." Aunt Brenda strolls up beside her sister and says, "You did such a good job on your house. I absolutely love what you did with the kitchen."

"They got it up in six months," Mimi brags and Brenda does look impressed.

"What are you doing with your house now that you live in the new one?" Brenda asks.

"We'll keep it for guests. Airbnb it maybe? Penelope can have it when she's older," Finn answers.

"No, our baby will get it so that way I can see when they are home every night. I can see the front door still from our window upstairs."

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