chapter one

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on a sunday afternoon, you lounged on your couch, scrolling on your phone and trying to find something entertaining as you awaited tyler's arrival. he had informed you that he was hanging out with some friends, and that he would be coming over soon.

thankfully, he was true to his word, and he had knocked on the door not too long later. after opening it and allowing him to come in, you had noticed that his face was contorted into an irritated expression. he huffed as he threw himself onto the couch, letting his legs rest upon your lap once you sat down on the opposite end. you furrowed your eyebrows, confused as to what his issue was.

"what's wrong with you?" you asked playfully.

"i'm just annoyed," he said flatly, not bothering to look you in the eye. you were sure that something must've happened beforehand, because you hadn't done anything to bother him.

"why?" you asked, jokingly poking his ankles that were still resting across you.

"just stuff my friends said," he replied vaguely. you stared back at him blankly.

"you're gonna need to be a little more specific. just tell me what they said," you told him.

he took a deep breath, finally looking towards you. "they were making stupid jokes about how i've never had a girlfriend, to the point where i just got up and left. i know it's not a big deal, but i'm honestly so tired of hearing it," he explained, his jaw clenched as he spoke. you knew it must've been really annoying, especially if it was bothering tyler like this. he usually didn't care about people messing around with him.

"they're just trying to get to you. you shouldn't take it personally," you assured him. you understood why he was upset, but you didn't want him to actually feel hurt by whatever his friends had told him. they were obviously just trying to get under his skin.

"but there's truth to it, isn't there?" he asked.

"well, yeah," you replied hesitantly. "but i've never had a boyfriend or anything either." you thought that maybe by relating to him, you could make him feel better about the situation.

"don't you ever get tired of it, though? doesn't it ever bother you that everyone else is always talking about their exes or their relationship and you've never had any of those things?" he vented. "and you know what's even more pathetic? i've never even kissed anyone."

you sighed, realizing that he was right. those things were bothersome from time to time. it seemed that you and him were stuck in the same situation. never been in a relationship. never kissed anyone before.

"you just have to wait until you find the right person," you said, hoping that it sounded as reassuring as you wanted it to.

it was silent for the next few seconds. you were lost in thought, thinking about everything tyler had said. suddenly he sat up in a normal position, taking his legs from off of your lap and setting them on the floor. you stared at him, waiting for him to explain whatever had just crossed his mind.

"what if i didn't have to wait?" he asked, his voice sounding more enthusiastic than it had just before. something in his mood had obviously changed in those few seconds.

"what?" you asked, having no idea as to what he was trying to say.

"do you want to kiss me?" he asked out of nowhere, sending a jolt of shock throughout your body. you were completely lost.

"excuse me?" your eyes widened, and you started to smile out of pure confusion.

"okay, hear me out. you're telling me i have to wait to find the right person, but what if i don't? what if neither of us do? we could kiss right now and get it over with," he elaborated, seemingly proud of this idea of his. you, on the other hand, weren't so sure. tyler was your friend, and kissing him just seemed so out of the ordinary and extremely forced.

the relationship arrangement// tyler josephWhere stories live. Discover now