chapter five

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on thursday afternoon, as you were waiting for tyler to come over, you wondered what you would be doing today. he hadn't given you any plans, just told you that he was coming over. you figured that maybe he would hang out at your house for the day, or maybe you'd go to his. either way, you were just excited to see him again.

when a knock sounded at your door, you jumped up and skipped over to open it. when you did, tyler leaned in and gave you a quick hug, your head brushing against his chest as he did so.

"so, i actually have a sort of... surprise for you," he told you.

"what is it?" you asked confusedly. you didn't know whether that meant he was taking you somewhere, or that he got you something.

"you know how your college is having a ball tomorrow night?"


"well, i wanted to know if you would go with me." his voice was soft and hopeful. you were overcome with gratitude and happiness simply thinking about the fact that he wanted to take you.

"yeah, of course," you replied cheerfully, bringing a smile to his face. "you need tickets for it, though? you got tickets?"

"i got them a few weeks ago."

"a few weeks ago? but how did you know that we'd be together?" a few weeks ago, he was nothing but your friend. he had never mentioned this ball or wanting to take you to it.

"i didn't," he stated. "i got them because i was hoping that you'd want to go with me. i was going to ask you earlier, but since we started dating, i thought i'd wait and surprise you."

"that's so sweet of you," you said. but then you realized that this thing was tomorrow, and you had absolutely nothing to wear for it. none of your clothes were fancy enough for a ball, and you doubted that you knew anyone who could lend you something for it. "i don't think i have anything to wear."

"i figured that. that's why i'm buying you a dress."

"wait, what? that's expensive! you can't do that!"

"yes i can. and i will. so let's go," he said, turning around and walking towards his car.

"you can't!" you countered back as you followed him, getting into the passenger seat.

"i'm the one who asked you. let me at least buy you a dress." he started the car and began pulling out of the driveway.

"you don't have to."

"i know that i don't. but i want to."

you decided to stop arguing with him then. you knew it would only be useless, and that he would keep insisting upon it regardless of what you said. "alright. thank you."

he sent you a smile, and when he stopped the car for just a quick second, he leaned over the console and pressed a kiss to your cheek before driving again. surely the feeling of his lips against your skin would never not have some sort of effect on you. it always sent a wave of electricity throughout your body, making you buzz and aching for his touch once again. it was something fuzzy and soft and you couldn't help but wonder if tyler got that same feeling.

this was still so new to you. the only time that you and tyler had ever really touched one another before was the way in which most friends did. seeing this side of him that was so affectionate was different for you, yet at the same time, it still felt right. the way he held you and made you feel loved might have been foreign, but you wouldn't have expected anything less of him. being caring was just in his nature, so it was no surprise that he happened to make an amazing boyfriend.

the relationship arrangement// tyler josephWhere stories live. Discover now