Discovery, Or Being Discovered

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Coldness is all I feel.The sea water froze and paralyzed my mind,making it impossible to think,or feel anything else.My memories fade away once again in the dark void,and my breath became lighter and lighter...

My back fell to the ground and awaken me from fainting.I tried to open my eyes and holy god!I couldn't believe what I was witnessing.

A enormous black room with strange paintings all pasted around the silky dark walls.
Despite painted with only the color black and purple,the details on those arts are excruciating.The walls have reflections like mirrors,looks like it's made out of obsidian.

The carpets are made out of something strange,actually it didn't look like anything I have seen or known before.The substance looked soft and fluffy with a ton of black hair.My feet feels soft on the carpet but when I put my hands on it,The carpet becomes hard and pointy like a bunch of knifes.It a carpet out of this planet.

"Hello human!"A voice bursted in the room and echoed inside the silky walls."What?Who is that?""I can tell you my identity human!"Something must be wrong.

"Human?Why do you call me that?""Well you are one of the human species aren't you?To what I know,humanity is the only intelligent specie on earth.
"Earth?Humanity?"Are you an alien?""Well yes human!You language sounds weird!"My brain turned off for it couldn't handle this kind of information."Where are the other ones?""They are in different rooms like this one!"I really didn't know what to say or act.

"Can you see me?""Yes."
"Are you here?""No."

I looked down to my hands and the mysterious carpet:"Why did you bring me here?""Well,to train you!"
"Train?"What do you mean?""Well,I only pick the lucky humans!Once they are here,we will train them until they become super powered and we teleport them back on their planet and leave!
This experiment has went on for centuries and we transformed hundreds of other planets by doing this!"

The alien spoke so fast and odd that it wasn't easy to get everything,but I still got the core of it.

"Did you cause the flooding?"
"Actually no!but we added some creatures to spice this planet up!"
Surprisingly I wasn't angry or sad when he said that,considering lots of people died because of the nightbreakers they created.But considering they have the power to do the same thing to other planets,it's better we listen to them.

"So when would the training start?""Well,it's going to be now!"

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