Final: Sea On The Horizons

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"That sounds really...fake."

My mom laughed while sitting on her bed."Even if you turned back twenty years old,your mind is still like an elder!"At that moment,you couldn't know how genuine my smile was.

Dingdong!The doorbell rang,behind it was Aron and William,or Officer Will."
After he died,I became the leader of that camp."
As what he was saying,The last camp we experienced was still alive and well,It just needs more defenses and soldiers."Also they said they actually haven't seen a lot of nightbreakers lately."

He winked at me.Would that tentacle monster have connections to the nightbreakers?I guess I will never know."Hey Dan!Check this out!"
Aron gave a box.I opened it expecting a surprise and found a small credit.

"This credit is for you.For some strange reason they understood your insane story and decided to give you this credit you thank you."I looked at the gold plated coin.
"The officer also said that now you are a part of the soldier community."They chuckled and said:"Don't worry.You are still friends with me!"I looked at him and put the plate of honor on my chest.

"Agree or not,friend?"

My eyes looked past the two of them to see the sunset though the raging storm.Even if the world won't ever be the same like before again,we can at least try to make it better it it's own way.
The golden plate shined and reflected the sun like the mirror,and despite everything that I've been though, I felt ready for everything.

"My pleasure,Officer Will."

The sun came out over the sea on the horizons as I held Will's hand.And it was beautiful.

The End

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