The End Begins (Part 2)

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I tried to shoot the lightning again but still didn't succeed,and suddenly the raging tentacle came from the left and I was too busy trying to figure my powers out I didn't sense the attack.

My left arm got thrown away in a moment and I got pulled into the ocean.I tried again but my hands didn't seem to listen to me.No matter what I do or how hard I try,The lightning just didn't came out.
I was looking at my hand when I realized I haven't been on the surface for a long time already.I carefully opened my mouth under water and found out something magical.I inhaled and exhaled without problem and went above water.

The tentacles were weaker than before due to its injuries but even with Aron's powers,He wasn't good enough to defeat it himself.
"Hey!"Will came back with a bunch of weapons only to see Aron standing in the water and controlling lightning from the sky.I ran up to him and told him why all of this is going on.

"So you are telling me that he got super powers from that weird alien guy?""That is what he said."I grabbed a assault rifle,loaded the special sliver bullets and tried it out on the eighth tentacle of that raging creature.

The moment I shot those shiny bullets into the tentacles,another screech came from the deep ocean and the tentacles leaked with a purple sticky liquid.
"It worked!"The tentacles swinger around with even greater speed and strength,but we didn't let it catch us by using the small fishing boat we had."We need to go to a safe area!"

Aron shouted while driving the boat.We still had a ton of ammunition so defending the boat was surprisingly easy.The tentacles stood no chance to our guns until it dived into the water.

I knew what he was doing and If the creatures successfully pull us down,We won't have anything to fight against it.Suddenly I remembered my ability to breathe underwater.
"Will!give me the flashlight inside the room!"
This was the craziest idea that ever came out of my head but if I do it properly the creature should be attacked to the point where it can't follow us anymore.

Everyone on this boat knew how dangerous that monstrosity was,especially William.I took another deep breathe not to hold it,but to calm down my body.

I'm glad that the flashlight they gave me was waterproof.

I tried to breathe underwater again and sure enough,It worked like a charm.
No one had ever seen the real body of the tentacle creature before so I was  really terrified even just thinking of it.I dived all the way down where I can see some of the buildings.

The tentacles hid almost perfect among those structures since they were completely dark.
Fortunately the monster seem pretty close to the ground but the bad thing was that I couldn't see it's body still.Suddenly the tentacles seemed to sense and started moving.

"What?How can it still swing that fast underwater?"
The pressure of the liquid didn't seem to affect the monster.I immediately swam up but still wasn't fast enough compared to that monster,My back was slashed and it started to bleed."You need to stop bleeding!"

Will was extremely worried and angry,but I knew what had to be done.

"Will listen to me."
He was here for me all along so he would help me no matter how hard it might be for the both of us."Give me a sword,and I will slain it for us."
The expressions on his face changed,he really isn't good at hiding his feelings.He had that uneasy face again but then he smiled.

I will kill that tentacle creature this time,or die trying.
Aron was too scared to help and he needs to keep the boat moving,and Will said he will keep the promise of not helping me though anything.
Unlike last time,my heart was filled with confidence and pride,knowing that at least I will die with something done,I dived straight down to the bottom.Finally,after days and days of searching,I had seen the vulnerable body of this monstrosity.

"It's time."

The body was like a gigantic whale and octopus combined in a unsettling way,with small tentacles moving like hair and a giant brain like thing on the very inside.
"That's probably it's weakness point!"
I gulped and ran down the underwater streets.Ironically,The monster settled at the ruins nears the beach,exactly where I encountered the flood.

I tried to swam inside but the monster was keeping it's guard up by those small tentacles,and the big tentacles noticed me.I swam into the nearby shop and hid in the deepest corner of the building so that the tentacles would get stuck inside of the small windows.

I snuck out from the emergency door and took my sword out.I used the momentum of stepping on the wall to instantly cut the small tentacles off like preparing a dish.
I went inside before the bigger tentacles could react to my actions,and I saw the black brain.The ugly brain pumped and bumped right in front of me and the tubes which connects to it moved.

"This is your last moment!"

I inhaled and cut my sword right inside of its brain,and slashed it all the way to the bottom.The purple blood bursted out of the damaged brain and the monster groaned in pain.I escaped the brain before it blew up.

An unbearably strange howl was let out by the tentacles,and I covered my ears to avoid damage.As I swam up to the surface,I instantly took a deep breathe.It's not because I needed it, just because I was so tired of  breathing underwater.
The exhaustion kicked in like lightning strikes a tree,and I couldn't move anymore.

Strong rays of light forced my eyes open,and I saw William and Aron.The two were right next to me,looking worried.As I sat up,Aron wanted to warn me about the injuries,but Will stopped him."What?"

"Is it all over now?"

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