Chapter 1

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Hello, this is my first try to write a RWBY related book so sorry if it's bad. I kinda forgot about anything in RWBY so yeah... This will most likely be around Moon Knight and his journey from the vigilante to the protector of Remnant...

Okay you may say why write RWBY if there isn't any... Sorry but I thought it was the way since I use RWBY characters, the show's name is RWBY that's not my fault.

Whatever, hopefully you will enjoy this chapter.

Also, Meg Scarlatina working at a diner comes from Stevethealbino but I thought about doing that anyways. Just wanted to tell.


"I want you to close you eyes and think. How did this happen? All of this happened so suddenly. Me dying, Khonshu, Beacon, Kali... I've protected the night as much as I can. From all types of people. Drug dealers to rapists. Every type of criminal you can think of. Do I deserve the rest? Me, Y/N L/N, after all these things I did. Let me tell you, I don't. It might be my end but it's definitely the start of something new. Something we have never seen... Khonshu, Kali, Meg... Summer, Raven... I'm so sorry. Remnant is in the hands of Matt now, he can save it. I'm sure he can..."


"1,2,3! I'm coming!"

A small kid with wolf ears shouted. He then turned around and opened his eyes before starting to look around the garden. He saw a movement under the table and approached it before pulling the cover up. He saw a girl, giggling and looking at him, making him smile proudly and shout.

"Found you! I found you!"

The girl pouted and whined before crawling away from the table. She then stood up and looked at the boy before talking.

"No fair! Why do you always find me first!?"

She crossed her arms, making the not smirk. The boy pointed at himself and stood proudly before answering her question.

"Because I am the best!... And you are bad at this game."

The girl frowned and punched his arm. The boy hissed in pain and sticked out his tongue. He then got another punch, making him chuckle and stop before talking.

"I should find Randall now. Unlike you two, I don't forget people!"

The girl whined and punched his arm again, making him hiss and shout, again. The girl then looked at him and talked.

"Whatever! I'm going to sit there, didn't him quick!"

The boy smiled and nodded before running to search for his brother. At the dog house, behind every tree and even in their house, he couldn't find Randall. He then heard a thunder and looked up, seeing the clouds. He then felt small rain drops falling to his face. He grew concerned, scared. He started running towards the only place he didn't look, it was the forest.

Run around the forest, shout his brother's name, the boy was doing everything in his power to find his brother. Suddenly, he saw a cave. A cave... He started running towards it, ignoring the rain. He entered the cave and run deep down in it.

"Randall! Randall!"

The only thing he heard was his own voice. He then felt some wetness on his feet and looked down, seeing that he was in water. Panic and fear filled his head as he kept running deeper and deeper in the cave.

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