Summery: vecna takes will, he's about to escape but then decides that he needs to end this not just for Hawkins. But for Mike.
Third person
"Will! Will! Snap out of it!" Mike said aggressively shaking the brunette. "Mike I got the vhs!" Johnathon yelled putting the box into the player. Should I stay or should I go...if I go there will be trouble...but if I stay there will be you've gotta let me know... "Will please Will!" Mike continued screaming. "Mike you just have to trust him, he can make it out, I believe in him." Max said pulling Mike away. A portal started forming like the one max saw but the others could see it too. Mike started running twords it only to be held back by Steve and Lucas. "Let go of me assholes! I need to get him!" Mike said trying to escape. "Your only going to make more problems if you go in there!" Steve yelled. Mike rested only a small bit before eventually stopping his restraint. The group saw Will covered in blood desperately running towards the portal. "Will!" Mike said starting up again only to be held back. Will slowly came to a stop as he reached the portal because he heard a booming voice behind him. "Will. You don't have to go back there." Will slowly turned around to see Vecna not doing anything to stop him from running through the portal, but somehow making it worse by making HIM choose. "Those people don't REALLY care about you." But before he could finish his sentence Mike butted in. "Shut the fuck up asshole! Everyone here loves him! Jonathan loves him! His friends love him! I love him..." The black haired boy screamed. Will looked at mike with hope in his eyes before taking a step forward. Just then he felt a slimy hand on his shoulder and he stopped in his tracks. "Don't fucking touch him!" Mike screamed still having to be held back. "These people don't love you will. No one does. They didn't even remember your birthday." Vecna said while everyone's eyes went wide. A single tear dropped down will's cheek. "March 22nd...rink o' mainia..." Mike said putting his head down. "I'm sorry will." A small smile came across will's face. "We will never stop coming for you will. You are only putting your friends in danger. That's the only thing you have ever done. And ever will be capable of." Vecna said wrapping some tentacles lightly around wills neck. "Stop! No! Please Will I need you!" Mike screamed as he saw Will take a step back. "Mike...this started with me. This ends with me." Will said stepping closer to the portal too see Mike one last time. Steve and Lucas let Mike go and both boys were staring at eachother. "We'll meet again." Will said before putting his hands on mikes jawline, pulling Mike in for a kiss. Tears rolling down mikes cheeks. The black haired boy leaned in. Mike slipped his tounge in to deepen the kiss and wrapped his hands around will's bloody neck. Finally will broke the kiss and took a step back. "Make the most of your life, while it is ripe, while it is fine. Mike" Will said before turning around to face vecna. The brown haired boy nodded. Vecna put his hand up to Will.
Blood started pouring out of wills eye sockets and the portal closed for good. Wills body fell to the ground as Mike sat on top of him and held wills head to his chest, never wanting to let go. "Okay if that's what you wish..." Mike said, warm tears still rolling down his cheeks. The group gathered around and put there hands on mikes back. Until finally Mike smiled. "Goodbye Will the wise, may your legacy live forever" Mike said while laughing a bit. "Goodbye...."The end 😍💋

Blyler one shots
FanfictionCharacters are always gonna be 18 or over because that's the legal age of consent. Normally fluff after smut and maybe a few angst chapters but I'm not good at writing those so don't expect a lot lol. Oh yeah and in most of these stories the Byers l...