Chapter Two

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(Your Pov)

After the battle of those aliens, you found it hard to stay upright much longer. And yet you push on, shooting any alien that crosses your path. Before crashing onto the last chair upright, at that little cafe that started all of this. Your frappuccino reamined spilled across the floor, other chairs and tables flipped over or lost forever. Fires set ablaze in the street and across in the other buildings.

You sigh deeply, leaning the alien gun against your side. Why? Only two years in New York, and suddenly it's the end of the world. Worst yet, a few dozen people are going to remember your face. Your face. Given enough social media, they might actually find you someday too, when you're under some other identity.

A hiss escapes your lips when you jostle your shoulder lightly, shuffling your sitting position. Your apartment was most likely destroyed. But it's not like you kept much in there- always up and go. You really shouldn't visit any hospitals, nor go to anybody else... But this is by far the worst injury you've sustained. It'd take forever to heal on your own.

Magic was off the table, as always- let alone you had no idea how to use it anymore. You knew dragons were supposed to be the most magical creatures in existence- more than the Asgardians or any other race- but while not being of age, your parents never taught you.

And yet, if you've never done magic, how could you lift that pole to kill the aliens? Or even lift the alien-kabob during the last skirmish? It should've weighed some hundreds of pounds, and yet it felt like nothing. No more than the silverware midgardians force themselves to use.

"Excuse me, miss?" A voice sounds from behind you, tired and slightly terrified.

You open your eyes, finding a police officer standing over you. "Yeah?"

"Oh God, it's alive." Another voice says, the shuffling of feet surprising you. You glance back, finding maybe half-a-dozen cops staring right at you.

"Oh God, it talks too." You laugh, each breath only adding to your exhaustion. "What do you want, gentlemen?"

"You are under arrest for suspicion of aiding the extraterrestrials."

"What!" You jump to your feet, every cop raising their pistol. You fling your hands up just as fast, before letting your hurt one hang at your side again. The movement broke the crisped skin, and you feel your blood rush down your arm. "I have not! I've been helping the civilians, and attacking the aliens, mind you."

"With an alien weapon?" The first responds, looking down at the mentioned item which had been leaning against your chair. "Unlikely."


"Look, I only used it to blast those suckers to hell. Ask the people at the metro station if you don't believe me!" Surely there had been reports of someone fitting your description knocking over aliens with a metal stick.

They only gripped their weapons tighter. "So you admit to having unnatural abilities?"

"No! It's not like that!"

"Please, calm down. We mean you no harm." The first said again, before glancing back to the others. He mouthed a word, and they holstered their guns. "We just need to know if you're a threat."

"I'm not!" You insist, flopping back onto your chair again. But apparently no one expected you sudden movement, guns raised and fired just as fast. Electricity buzzed through you, zapping away your consciousness.

You could only stay awake for a second, the curses from their mistake ringing in your ears.


(Avenger's Pov)

After the initial battle between Loki and New York, Thor returned with him to Asgard. The city was in ruins, the mess of clean up starting much too soon than any of them would like. The police had already started their run-through, which led to an interesting discovery by one of the captains.

The Chautari had left one behind.

Or- that's what they said. Some weird alien possession thing, leading to a human with extraordinary abilities. They claimed she resisted arrest, was in possession of one of the Chautari weapons, and even endangered civilian lives.

They also claimed that she passed out because of a basic taser.

So, providing their public duty, the Avengers rushed over before anyone else, namely Shield, could make her disappear off the face of the Earth.

And by all means, she looked human. More human than some of the officers who explained the situation to the team. But with precaution being necessary, they decided to transport the being- human or no- to a cell within their tower. In hopes she would be able to explain all this once she awoke.

"And I suppose you have no idea how she retained this burn, either?" Natasha eyed the cops, still half-covered in both Chautari and her own blood. They balked from her glare, until being forced to answer her question.

"No, Miss Widow. No idea." She rolled her eyes, deciding the best action would be to just get her away from peering eyes. After relaying this to Steve, they set off.

To the brand new, albeit halfway falling over, Avengers Tower.

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