Halloween special

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A/n: HEY cutiesss~~ Kay it's another special, so, feel free to skip if you want, it has nothing to do with the story 💕

It's late day, just near for when the sun sets, Ace had been running around on the Moby dick's deck looking for his dapper looking brother who had come by for a visit knowing full well what time was coming. "SABOOOOOOO!!!! WHERE ARE YOUUUU!!" Ace cried out in a desperation. "LIL LULU NEEDS TO BE FOUND!! IT'S ALMOST TI-" Ace wasn't looking where he was going and tripped over one of Marcos eggs.

"CAREFUL!!" Marco shouted worryingly. "MY BABIES!!" (>人<)

Ace lifted his burned up and splintered face from the decks surface and turned to look at Marco, still on the floor lookin hot and wimpy '~'with both arms keeping him lifted. "DID YOU JUST SAY BABBIESSS?!" Ace teased with his special kinda look ⚆ _ ⚆(─‿‿─)(¬‿¬)

"No...yoi." Marco sweated.

Ace sat up and crossed his legs, then tilted his head to the side confused. "wait..so, is that a yes or no??"

Marco made a face. "I said no, yoi."

Ace straightened his head. "Well, what you say last is what it is." He said with great confidence.

  Marco was getting annoyed, and tried to speak while Ace was taking in a deep breath. "I TOLD Y-"

"I KNEW IT AH-HAH!!" Ace made a dangerous smile after interrupting Marco. "YOU DO MAKE BABIES!! AHAGAGAGAGAGAG!!" Ace started to froth from his mouth.

"OK NOW!" Sabo came in with a sarcastic and concerned tone while holding his arms up in a smile. "Now I don't know what I just walked into" Sabo stifled a laugh, "But this without context is mad hilarious and I don't want to know more."

Ace had ceased his laughter and looked to Sabo with an amused and satisfied look, determined to not let Marco plead his case. 

Marco tried to speak but Ace kept interrupting him, finally, Marco started to look really upset after Ace let all others but him speak. Making Ace give in and let Marco get in a few words. "why..." Marco said a little sad. "Why wont you let me speak?"

"Cause it's hilarious." Ace said bluntly.

Marco deadpanned while also horrified. "You.." Marco started up. "Little devi-"

"OK NOW!!" Sabo cut in again with those same words to draw everyone's attention. "Let's calm down before we say something we'd regret because it'll cause a lot of emotional pain that'd lead into a backstory that the author doesn't want to write, nor do they think the audience would want to read." 

"Did you just break the fourth wall? is this the first time this has happened yoi?" Marco asked. 

Ace rolled his eyes. "I don't know if this is the first time, but Sabo definitely didn't break the fourth wall. And you know I'm right because the author is writing our universe and we have no free will or control over what happens. Honestly makes you wonder if our love for Luffy is just a mixed up fantasy this crazed Author brews up in their little mind to satisfy their want for this adorable brotherhood that ended too quickly. But anyway, THIS is breaking the fourth wall." Ace stands up and faces the sky, which just happens to be the direction of whatever you readers are imagining from. "Hey you guys, I am Ace, as you know I co-"

Sabo continued on the story, since this is just a special and I, I mean, the author can do whatever they want. "We need to find Lu." Sabo smirked. "It's that time again."

Ace rolled over to the side while rubbing his hands together. "Oh yes..This will definitely not be a normal fieldtrip." Ace points to the sky and yells. "PLOT MOVEMENT COME TO PAPA!!"

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