16. I'm changing the title of this chapter, I apologize, it was midnight U3U

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The crew watched as death approached.

Sabo grabbed Sanji by the shoulder and smiled while holding up a spoon full of ⬛⬛⬛. "Calm down, it's just yummy food."

"THAT'S NOT FOOD!!" Usopp screamed while going down at it's sight.

"Where did you even pull these ingredients from, I didn't have anything like this in the kitchen" Sanji said knowing these words may be his last.

Sabo laughed.

"THAT'S NOT AN ANSWER!!" Sanji pleaded desperately, watching his fate approach.

Luffy comes down and eats the remaining food, saving his crew.


Shouts of relief come from every one of the crew members. The unfortunate man went down for nothing, as for plotarmor was too strong a foe.

The crew turn to Sabo. Usopp speaks up. "Hey man, why didn't you just eat it to prove it was safe?" The crew all pointed to the man on the floor. "It's cause you knew you'd end up like that huh?"

Sabo laughed. "Nah!" He waved his hand. "I've built up a tolerance to many poisons so I'd be perfectly fine."

"AH- HAH!" They all shout.

"SO YOU ADMIT IT'S TOXIC!!" Sanji shouted victoriously.

Sabo folded his arms. "Never said it wasn't."


Ace had gotten out "the pole" left right in the middle of the room. The lights had darkened and soft but sexy music was playing. Ace got into his bunny costume and danced his heart out. Swishing and swinging, he was working it like no other.

"SLAY GIRRLL!!" I would theoretically shout.

Luffy had opened the door with Sabo close behind. "Sabo?" Luffy looked behind him to Sabo while pointing at Ace. "What is Ace doing?" He turned his attention back to Bunny-boy, no bunny-MAN!

Sabo peeked around Luffy to see what he was pointing at. "OMG!" Sabo quickly covered Luffy's eyes, then picked him up and threw him through the wall to the other room.

Sabo marched towards Ace who refused to stop and grabbed Ace by the waist trying to pry him from the bar.

"NO!!" Ace screamed like a girlboss. "MY PASSION IS DANCE!!" He said like a little French boy.

"THIS AIN'T DANCE!!" Sabo said as if he had no culture.

"TIS SO!" Ace proclaimed. Ace had pushed Sabo to the side and squatted down the pole spinning around. "You can say nothing about it unless you've done the art."

"This is not art." Sabo crossed his arms and looked away with a pout.

Ace stood up and walked forward to his blonde brother. His high heels clicked against the floor showing dominance.

Sabo relaxed his body and watched as his brother slayed. He was astounded. Could he be as cool and confident as that?

Ace touched Sabos shoulder and took his bunny ears off offering them to his now shorter brother. "Take them, they say the blõñdè ones are always the cutest. Join me, I have two more costumes." Ace had already broke the other pair of heels.

Sabo looked down at the ears then back up to his brother.

. . .

Robin walked in looking for a snack and saw three boys working it. She stopped and stared but turned away quickly slamming the door shut.

"?" The whole crew looked over at the loud sound.

"What's going on?" Chopper asked.

"Some fine women." Is all she said. Writing a note and posting it on the door. It read "do. Not. Enter."

Sanji was curious by the idea of fine women, but Robin used her ability to restrain him with her arms, as well as.

One eye. To peek into one special room.

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