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~ i was covered in blood in the cop car my sister next to me holding my hand tightly ~

~ papa & mama came rushing in the police station , talking to them , they released us quickly ~

"let's go" papa said angrily

~ the entire car ride was silent . When we got home they urged us both to sit down in the kitchen ~

"what happened tonight ?" mom asked angrily

~ me and aaliyah looked at eachother ~

"WHAT. HAPPENED. TONIGHT." Papa screamed scaring us

~ aaliyah started crying , i cried with her ~

"I was raped papa" aaliyah cried

"say it again?" he said firmly standing up

"i ..

"what she just say ?" he asked mama

"i -

"wait , so you weren't at amy's ?" mom said angrily

"no mama" aaliyah cried

"and you knew she wasn't there celeste ?" papa asked

* i nodded while crying *

"huh" papa laughed

"papa im sorry i -

"enough , me and your mom will take care of it . What's the address aaliyah" He yelled

"papa i -

"the ADDRESS NOW!" he screamed

"215 south boulevard" She said softly

"let's go" he said to my mom

~ they left quickly ~

~ aaliyah started crying again , i held her tightly ~

"it'll be okay" i cried with her

"* i took a shower and changed , then put her in the bath , let her clean up and we fell asleep*

~ in my dreams ~

"i hoped i'd see you again .." i smiled

"i know" he said in his deep sexy voice

"um , so * he put his finger to my lips * shhh he said

* i blushed *

"kiss me" he said smiling


"just kiss me" he said leaning in

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