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"FUCK OFF ME!" I screamed

"You're gonna tell us who you work for , or so help me god -

"you're gonna need God when they get ahold of you, trust me" i smile

~ he punched me across the face ~

"was that a threat bitch ?" he said angrily

"no , it was a promise" i spit blood at him & smirked

"WHO DO YOU WORK FOR!" The boss screamed

"Forget it" I smiled

~ he grabbed me by my neck choking me hard to the point where i couldn't breathe ~

"Tell me or i make your death slow and painful , YOU UNDERSTAND THAT" He screamed

"a- aww is the baby m- mad that i wiped out half of his pod squad" I smiled

~ he reached his hand back about to punch me until everyone heard a noise & stopped ~

"Who is that?" Boss asked angrily

~ i smiled knowing malcom came for me ~

"if you know who it is tell -

~ gunshots went off killing some of the men in the room with me , their boss fleeing quickly , malcom ran in , he saw my face and grew angry ~

"GO GET THE CAR READY NOW" Malcom screamed at the guys

"baby"  he said pushing my hair back

~ i started throwing up , he wiped my face ~

"let's get outta here" he said

~ he cut the ropes off me , and carried me out . As we're walking sinaloas boss shot malcom in the back making him fall and drop me ~

"NO" i screamed

~ i got up and started patting him begging he'd get up ~

"Now i get it , Ms-13" The boss chuckles

"Please don't leave me" i cried

"This is pathetic" The boss grabbed me , choking me holding me in the air

"Not so tough now are you?" He smiled

~ i cried , i could barely do anything i was weak .... sick .... vulnerable.. ~

~ the boss grabbed his knife stabbing me directly in my stomach making me gasp , I looked down watching the blood fall from my abdomen, my tears fell harder ~

"No" My voice cracked

~ All of a sudden , The boss fell to the ground , he'd been shot ... by malcom , my love survived ... but what if our baby hadn't ... I fell to the ground holding my stomach , malcom ran to me ~

"FUCK" Malcom screamed

~ he got up & shot the boss twice , once in the head & twice in his stomach , Sinaloas boss was gone . Malcom carried me quickly and ran to the car , we sped to the hospital ... I lost so much blood and ... I had lost consciousness ~


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