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~ Two and a half weeks later , celeste was taken home by olivia ~

"I need a shower ." I said

"Go take one i'll be in malcom's office then we can get started" Olivia said

~ I took a shower , washed my hair and got dressed and made my way down too the office ~

"Okay so , you have no idea where they could've gone ?" Olivia asked me

"No" I said softly

"Anywhere i can find malcom's files ? anything that has to do with Sophia and their past ?" She asked me

"Not that i know of" I said sadly

"That doesn't help much" Olivia said

"Wait" I said

~ I got up and went to the book shelf and started pulling books down ~

"What are you doing ?" Olivia asked me

"One of these has got to be a passage way to something" I said pulling them all

~ When i got to the last one i pulled it and it opened a door to a room behind it ~

"Booyaaaaa" I said

~ We went in and found boxes , one standing out that had S.A.M ~

"It starts with an S" I said shrugging my shoulders

~ I pulled the box down and inside it was pictures of sophia and malcom , them at a coffee place , a garden , something about a grand opening for a restaurant , and them on a date ~

"Are there anymore boxes or anything ? this tells us nothing about where they might be" I said angrily

"Okay but wait , what about the restaurant , clearly it's not open anymore if they were starting it together. we can try there ?" Sophia asked

"You're so smart yk that ?" I said

"Duh , plus if you think i'm gonna let that bitch ship off evelyn you're stupid" She laughs

"You are no longer house keeper" I laughed

"Wait what-" She said

"I've got you a new job" I smiled

"What -

"my sister that i lost , full time" I smiled

"Awww" She hugged me

"My sister was always determined to help me with anything. even though we didn't have a good relationship she'd always be there no matter what" I said sadly

"Forever" She held her pinky out

"Forever" I interlocked my pinky with hers

"Grab guns , knives whatever you need because she's gonna have backup , always keep that in mind" Sophia said

"Okay" I smiled

~ We went and changed clothes , grabbed guns and knives and vests ~

"You ready ?" Sophia asked me

"To get my daughter and husband back ? Damn straight , and i want that sophia bitch she's mine so don't touch her" I said angrily

"Noted" She said starting the car

~ We pulled up the restaurant but it was abandoned . It was also dark so we grabbed flashlights ~

"So . it's just us two . do we split up ? or go in together ?" I asked

"Girl together , are you dumb ?" She laughed

~ We got out and slowly made our way inside ~

"It's quiet , too quiet" She said

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