Mind Space.

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the notes played as you gently press your fingers onto the piano keys. slowly, you play a melody that was supposed to be played in a duet, but you never got the chance to play it live.

welcome to MIND SPACE. You have lied against the water for as long as you can remember.

You woke up in a familiar room. the endless lake with rocks and plants scattered around. you slowly get up from the water that has been lightly pushing you towards something. You looked below to see a shovel that has been cleaned by the water itself. You looked into the reflection, you saw yourself and something else you cannot see clearly, yet you didn't mind nor question. you held your shovel in your hand and got up from the ground. walking forward, seeing a door you always walked out, but not walk in. You gently moved the doorknob, slowly and slowly, lightly pushing the door open, the light greeted you with warmth.

As you walked out of the door, the door you just walked out of slowly vanished from this place. You looked forward and saw your friends playing cards, you looked up at the vibrant sky. The never-ending sunset seemed to comfort you, it's better than staring blankly at the white sky with the light blue clouds. Maybe the scenery in Mind Space made you bored of it even though you are comfortable with it. As you look down, you see a short black haired girl, noticing you and then proceeding to run towards you, hugging you with warmth. The words she said were not very clear, you chose to try to focus. the more you focus, the more clearer Aubrey's voice was. "Hikki! are you alright? you were ignoring me! did you hear what i said?" the girl hugging you glared at you with her shining eyes, she asks in a concerned tone. you offered no answer and nodded. Aubrey smiled and held your hand, turning over to the short slightly long haired boy who was sticking his tongue out at Aubrey. Aubrey scoffed in an annoyed tone and continued to hug you tightly. Hero glared at you and then smiled. "We are going to meet Sunny and Basil at the park, let's go find them shall we?" Hero said with the gentlest smile you ever seen. "Hell yeah! let's go! Cmon Aubrey! We got friends to meet!" Kel said loudly with the biggest smile. Aubrey rolled her eyes and followed Kel, you tagged along with the others as Hero lead the way to the place where Basil and your little brother Sunny is located.

Hero shuffled around the bushes, the group followed, passing by a tree you all arrived at the park with your little brother Sunny and his best friend Basil sitting on an picnic blanket with an book in the middle. the book held memories of your friends. "Sunny! Basil! were here!" Hero waved at the two short boys. Sunny turned around and noticed you in the back. "O-oh! hello everyone! me and sunny were going through our photo album. wanna join us?" Basil smiled as rays of sunlight shined you, sunny and the photo album. "yeah sure! who wouldnt want to look through your photo album?! cmon guys lets sit down!" Kel said with an bright smile. Sunny looked at you with an gentle smile, signalling you to sit next to him. You walked towards him and sat down. Basil flipped the pages to the first page. an ray of sunlight shined the first photo ever of the photo album, without hesitating, you started going through the pages. One of the photos was when everyone was at the beach and it was summer. it gave you many memories to reminiscence. after finishing reading the photos one by one, Basil shut the album closed and smiled at the sun. "thats the photo album!" Basil said holding the album safe in his hands. you looked over seeing Kel consuming Orange Joe. Aubrey moved away and moved closer to you and Sunny. "Hey hey Basil! remember when i accidentally threw an orange joe carton at Hero?! you shouldve taken a picture of that! it would be funny to see it again haha!" Kel laughed and turned to Hero. "Mean, how could you treat your older brother like that?" Hero said in a joking tone as he was laughing. You admired his smile for once before snapping back to the topic. "Basil you take such good photos! you always make photography easy!" Aubrey hugged Basil from the back, smiling as if no one was there to judge. "oh really?...well photography is easy...if i can do maybe you can do it aswell!" Basil nervously laughed. "Thats what our Basil would say haha!" Kel laughed as he played with his older brother's hair. You smiled gently, you felt something was pulling your shirt. you turned your head to the person next to you. Sunny lightly pulled your shirt, he felt left out. You grabbed his hand and moved closer to the group. "Sunny Sunny! look at the photo Basil took of me in my new rain coat! remember when we were planning to go out for my birthday and then it rained?" Aubrey moved closer to Sunny showing him the picture. you sighed in relief he somehow got company. 

"Hey! wanna go to me and Hero's house?! bet it will be fun!" Kel loudly said rosing up. "sure! we can play video games there! i bet i will beat you in an fight later in the game!" Aubrey straighten her body once she heard Kel ask. "Bet! if you lose Hero you gotta buy me burgers!" Kel giggled at Hero. Hero laughed. "haha alright alright. i'll buy you burgers IF ONLY you win!" Hero smiled patting both Aubrey and Kel's head. You smiled and giggled a bit. Sunny nodded, agreeing they should go to Kel and Hero's house. "Can i stay here though? you guys can go ahead.." Sunny suddenly claimed. "Huh? all the sudden? man i was looking forward to beating you in a round too..." Kel sighed in a dramatic way. "Sunny are you sure?" Aubrey said with an frown marked on her face. Sunny smiled and nodded. "Fine...We'll catch up to you later then! see you later Suunny!!" Aubrey said and winked at Sunny. You walked forward, making Aubrey sprint towards the group. Aubrey and Kel waved, Sunny waved back. you lead everyone the way to Kel and Hero's home. 

As they arrived, a bunch of photos dropped out of the photo album once they got into the house. "Ah! Did my photos get lose? i knew they would fall out...i shouldve used stronger glue." Basil grabbed all the photos but Kel quickly helped Basil grab all of the photos. "Here ya go! we'll help you put it back dont sweat about it!" Kel said and rubbed his neck. "Thank you Kel. Lets put our photos back to where it belongs then!" Basil put down the album, putting the photos that dropped out on the other side. you all began putting the photos back to its place. 

afterwards, Basil closed the album after putting all the photos back. "Thank you guys! i didnt think you would all help me!" Basil said with an nervous smile. "Its okay! were friends afterall!" Aubrey looked at Basil with an happy look. "Like i always say...friends are always there for each other!! amiright?" Kel rubbed his head. "You dont always say that! stop lying!" Aubrey pouted at Kel. Hero noticed a photo and walked past you. "Hey Basil...did you take this?" Hero picked up an photo on the floor. "what is it?" Basil looked over. Hero's face turned into absolute horror when he saw it. 


A/N : Yo! thanks for reading chapter 1! hoped you enjoyed it :) more chapters on their way ( hopefully i can post more often now ) 
Chapters will be slow btw so be patient! i promise it will be worth the wait ><
one chapter for now! chapter 2 is on their way!
anyways, have a great day to everyone who is reading this! 


Faraway Town, 7 Days Left 

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