Drawn To Dark water

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The suit was heavy,  but he didn't mind, the pressure of the Atlantic weighed against his back, he could feel the freezing water outside of his metal helmet.
But the heat from his body kept him warm.

With every step he took the ground shook and rumbled.
Pulling out his drill, Subject Alpha begins filling a hole in the side of a tunnel.

Activating his drill he quickly patches the hull, leaving no trace of the remaining damage.

Subject Alpha turns to face the entrance back to rapture, only stopping to see another big daddy carrying a little sister upon his shoulders. Through the tunnel he had just patched.

Alpha, was unique among the Alpha series even among other big daddy's.

He never bonded with a little sister, his sole purpose in rapture was to keep up maintenance.

Before Alpha could continue he was woken out of his thought at the site of 3 splicers attacking the big daddy and little sister.

Watching from out the glass, Alpha saw that the Splicers were beginning to over power the big daddy.

Running as fast as he could under the immense pressure of the Atlantic, Subject alpha saw the splicers kill the big daddy, using a frost plasmid, and a shotgun.

"Why won't you move, Mr. Bubbles!"
The little sister cried as the splicers went to grab her,

"Looks like we've got ourselves a little ADAM."
One of the splicers said while grabbing the little sister by the arm.

Just as he grabbed her arm, Alphas drill found the splicers chest and revved.

Killing it instantly, then the two other splicers, attacked with their led pipe and wrench, only to be overpowered and torn apart by Alphas drill.

Turning around Alpha saw the little sister mourning the loss of her big daddy, walking towards her she looked up at him, wiping the tears from her eyes she spoke.

"Daddy are you taking me home too?"

Subject Alpha was confused, he'd never bonded with a little sister, yet was still designed to protect them.

Picking up the little sister alpha placed her on his shoulder and began walking.

Entering the door at the end of the tunnel Subject Alpha hears  the little sister speak.
"ADAM Daddy, over there!"

Walking towards the dead body of a splicer, Subject Alpha places the little sister next to the body.
As she begins to steal the ADAM from the dead splicer.
Dozens begin to attack subject Alpha hoping to steal the ADAM.

Revving his drill Alpha impales one of the splicers.
Just as he throws the splicer to the ground another one comes up and hits him over the helmet with a wrench.
Doing nothing more then hurting his own hands in the process.
Giving Alpha the chance so drill through another splicer.
Picking up a shotgun off one of the dead splicers.
Alpha shoot down two more splicers.

"Unhand that child!"
One of the splicers shouts as she grabs the little sister.

"Ahhh!! Daddy!"
The little sister screams.

Subject Alpha charges at the female splicer with his drill killing her instantly.

Then a woman and a man walk in, just as subject Alpha was about to attack them, he was struck with a lightning plasmid, and then shot multiple times.
Holding his chest in pain Subject Alpha Stared at the couple and groaned.

"You may not remember me, I am Andrew Ryan."

Subject alpha looked at the man in his dark grey suit.

"You seem to not understand, so let me clear some things for you. Your service to my great city is over. You see rapture has no need for the Alpha model of big daddy anymore, no, no.
We have something far greater."

Alpha looked at the man, then back to the little sister.
"You're nothing more then a slave."
With that Ryan nodded, ordering the woman next to him, to kill Subject Alpha.

Lighting her finger tips, she electrocuted Subject Alpha over and over.
Untill he could barely breathe.

The little sister watched in horror, as the big daddy was tortured.
Taking one last look at the woman subject Alpha collapsed from pain.

Blacking out.

The Story Of Subject AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now