Remnants Of Ryan

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Walking into the Eve Manufacturing plant, Alpha is introduced to spider splicers feening for Adam.
Each one grabbing what little ADAM and Eve they could scrounge up.

Once they noticed Subject Alpha, the door sealed behind him, and he was trapped in a room infested with splicers.

The spider splicers began charging toward Subject Alpha only for him to attack with his lightning plasmid. Stunning two spider splicers Alpha revved his drill and charged at the two, ripping through their flesh.

Four more spider splicers attacked subject alpha throwing their hooks at him and stabbing his shoulder, Alpha felt the hook dig into the bone of his left shoulder.

Unable to use his left arm alpha grunts in pain, and Reba his drill.


Just as he was becoming overwhelmed by the splicers, a Big Daddy and little sister appeared
"Get em Mr B!"
The little sister shouts sending her Big Daddy into a rage.

The big daddy rushes into the room and attacks the splicers revving his drill he stabs one of the spider splicers and throws its corpse at another, charging forward the big daddy throws down a turret, and watches as it guns down all the splicers in the room.

The little sister smiles at Alpha, and her big daddy returns to her side.

"It is me Meridian, if we are to get you the Blackhole plasmid, you will need ADAM, would you kindly take down that big daddy and take the ADAM from that little sister.

With that said Alpha charged at the big daddy with his drill, causing a massive rip in its suit.
The big daddy turned to alpha as it's eyes began to glow red.

The big daddy shouts as it revs its drill, throwing down another turret it swiftly attacks Alpha, only to be stunned by Alphas Lightning plasmid and again drilled into the ground, with its last breath the big daddy swings its drill only to connect to alphas drill causing multiple sparks.

Stealing the rivet Gun off the ground Subject Alpha fires multiple rivets into the big daddy causing it to finally exhaust itself of all energy, as its eyes turned from red to yellow the big daddy collapsed, looking at his little sister one more time before dying.

"Get up mr bubbles! Get up!"
The little sister cried.

Subject Alpha felt tense but continued walking toward the little sister still holding his left arm in pain.

He walks towards the child, only for her to look at him.

Alpha was going to Harvest the child just as Meridian had asked only to be struck with a memory of his past life.

Collapsing to his knees he begins to remember why he came to Rapture in the first place.

He was looking for someone, but who?

The little sister began looking at Alpha in confusion then smiled.

"I'm always safe with daddy."

Alpha looked at the girl and picked her up.

He didn't want to harvest her but felt an immense pressure as if he was being forced.

Placing his hand on her head Alpha fought the immense pain and began freeing the little sister from her torment.
"What are you doing, you are going to need her Adam if you are going to survive!"

Meridian shouted through Alphas radio, but alpha shut her out and began to heal the little sister.

As her veins began to glow from the ADAM leaving her body, Alpha collapsed.

The little sister looked at Alpha.

"Thank you."
Was all she said as she ran toward her vent to hide.

"You are a fool if you think you did the right thing, you will not survive long if you don't start collecting ADAM."

Meridian said causing Aloha to grimace under his suit.

Walking forward he saw the body of the big daddy he had just slain and felt a sort of sadness, seeing that killing his old friends was his only way of freeing the little sisters.
Walking forward he is greeted by a conveyor belt with a button pressing the button it began to move with a voice over the com speaking.

"I am Andrew Ryan, and allow me to show you the incredible might of Ryan industries, with the power of ADAM, and the nature of EVE, we can now build the impossible. Imagine the possibilities we have released with this new invention, and with the sweat of your brow. We can accomplish anything."

With that the machine began functioning creating small amounts of EVE with what little ingredients it had left.
Grabbing five of the syringes, alpha placed them in his satchel, walking forward he saw the plasmid he was looking for, tucked away in a glass box with a chain around it, no wonder the splicers couldn't get to it.

The Story Of Subject AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now