Big Sister

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As Alpha continued walking through the glass tunnel, he was stopped by the little sister walking infront of him.

"This one has ADAM!"
The little sister shouted.

With that Alpha orders the little sister to begin stealing the ADAM.

It wasn't long before the splicers began to appear, attacking subject Alpha.

As the splicers charged Alpha, he fires a fist full of lightning straight into a spider splicer.

The splicer contorted from the pain of the shock.
Allowing for Subject Alpha to use his Rusted drill
Cutting down the splicer with one swoop.

Another splicer ran passed Alpha, and headed straight for the little sister.

Forcing Alpha to charge at the splicer with his drill the force of his attack tore through the splicer, killing it.

Alpha looked at the little sister who began drinking the freshly squeezed ADAM.

"Come on Daddy! More Angels!"

The little sister cheered skipping through the dark glass hall.

As Alpha slowly walked he saw the door ahead of them and the little sister charged in, opening the door subject Alpha heard a terrible shriek.

Causing the little sister to run back to Alpha for protection.

"Big sister is coming! Coming now!"

With that alpha placed the little sister upon his shoulder and continued walking into the dark room.

Another shriek is all Alpha hears as he moved closer into the moist room.

There was glowing coral all over and much of the glass was cracked.

The pipes had burst long ago and much of the room was filled with algae and water.

As alpha stared out the large glass window he sees a large blue whale slowly swim passed rapture, it was as if it were looking at him, through the glass.

For some reason it gave Alpha a comforting feeling.
But then a third and loud shriek awoke him, and he felt tense.

Turning around Subject Alpha was bombarded with a fire plasmid.


Alpha shouted from the pain.
Using his lighting plasmid, alpha shot at the Big sister, stunning her then he slammed his drill into the big sister, causing her to grunt and shriek.

The big sister then jumped on top of Alpha and began draining him of his ADAM.

Causing Alpha to fall to his knees, his vision now double, and his drill to heavy to lift.

Unable to use his ADAM, subject Alpha was at the mercy of the big sister, but before she could slay the big daddy, the little sister jumped in her way, shielding the big daddy.

"Don't hurt Daddy big sister! I'll come with you."

The big sister looked at the big daddy one more time then to the little sister, screaming in subject Alphas face the big sister snatches the child. And runs of into the dark.

Subject Alpha shakily picks himself up barely able to move, he groans in pain.

Pushing forward and grabbing anything he can hold onto, alpha makes it to the Eve Manufacturing plant.

"Hello it is me, Meridian. I could hear the big sister from here, you are lucky to have survived. I would like for you to use what little Eve you have left to shock the doors controls and open them. You should be able to find the plasmid at the back of the manufacturing plant."

With that subject Alphas radio shut off and he was stuck with no way but forward, using the last of his Eve Alpha shocks the door controls forcing the door open.
Walking inside he saw Eve scattered everywhere, and hundreds of splicers digging around for Adam.

The Story Of Subject AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now