Plasmid Storm

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Using his rusty drill Subject Alpha slams it into the lock, breaking it.
Another slam from his drill breaks the glass box and he is free to grab his plasmid.

Placing the needle into the red bottle, Alpha extracts a portion of the plasmid and shakily begins to inject it into his arm.
Bracing himself for the incoming shock of the plasmid Alpha closes his eyes, but quickly realizes that it didn't hurt.

Just as he was about to walk out of the room he heard an unmistakable screech.

It was a big sister.

With little time to prepare Alpha switched to his Rivet gun.
As he did another screech was heard even closer.

Then a third shriek.

Alpha new the big sister would be here any moment, it was time to test out his new plasmid.

Just as he switched to the unstable black orb,
Big sister charged the room and threw multiple fire plasmids at delta.

Alpha grunts in pain, pulling out his rivet gun alpha fires 4 rivets into the big sister causing her to lung at him.

Stabbing delta with her Adam Drainer. Alpha pulls out his rusty drill and revs causing nothing more then sparks, he then punches his drill straight into the big sisters stomach pushing her off and causing her to wince in pain.

As the big sister collapsed to her knees, subject Alpha walked towards her, charging up his black Orb plasmid he was about to launch it at the big sister, only to be struck by another memory.

He remembers coming to Rapture on a small boat, where a massive storm had taken place.
He was looking for someone, a girl?

Alpha then let go of his grip on the black orb.

Giving the big sister time to shriek and run.

Walking forward alpha held his head in pain.
These memories were a nuisance, but he wanted to remember more.
He wanted to know why he came to this awful city.
What happened to him.
Why was he made a big daddy?

It all came to him as a blur, like a painting you couldn't quite make out.

Turning around Alphas radio came up.

"Ahh good you have found the blackhole plasmid, now you need to head to the Fontaine Orphanage, that is where they make the little sisters.
You will need to use your new plasmid if you are to get inside the building.

It won't be long before you arrive, then we will talk again.

With that Meridian turned off Alphas radio and he was sent on another mission.
However Alpha was beginning to question why he was even helping her in the first place.
But what choice did he have, his memories are slowly returning as he continues. Might aswell push through it.

Walking out of the EVE manufacturing plant he heads to the Fontaine orphanage, for what purpose Alpha does not know.

All he wants to know is about himself.

As he walks down the glass corridor, Alpha is stopped by three splicers.
They begin to charge at alpha only for him to throw a blackhole against the ground causing all splicers within the area to be sucked inside the swirling vortex, then as the ball imploded the splicers would be crushed to pieces.

Alpha continue walking down the glass tunnel.
Untill he would see posters about Fontaine industries and his orphanage.
And something about a guy named Atlas?

The name triggered a memory in Alpha from 1959.
But he was always outside the city building new parts and repairing old ones, so it wasn't to important at the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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