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My citizens,

Before including the transcript of my brother's meeting with TAEI Leader Lou Kanders, I would like to assure you, my citizens, that I intend to install a task force to study and reform the current framework for the birth equality stipend, using the peer reviewed studies referenced by Philip. In no way do I intend to sustain a program that negatively impacts the poorer territories while claiming it is doing the opposite.

I would also like for it to be known that investigations are currently underway in regards to each of the situations described in the transcript.

Furthermore, full scale investigations are being done on all financial accounts that have received account-holder complaints at not only the Bank of the Commonwealth's Taurusan Branch, but also at all 11 other branches as well. Over the next year, every complaint made by account holders will be reviewed by independent defense lawyers from the Libran Territory, free of charge to any account holder who files a complaint.

The stories described below are simply inexcusable. No federal institution should seek to unfairly profit off of the citizens it was created to serve, and the immense amount of manipulation and improper business practices shown below are examples of our financial institutions failing the citizens of the commonwealth. I will not accept or ignore these situations, and throughout my administration, comprehensive annual reviews of our financial institutions will take place to minimize injustices such as the ones described in the transcript from ever going unnoticed or ignored again.

Finally, I also would like to note that although the names of the individual victims of the three stories described as well as other important information in the transcript below have not been redacted for the legitimacy of their investigations, none of those listed are in danger. If any crime amounts from the release of this address, my administration is prepared to cover any expenses. Furthermore, I encourage any Bank of the Commonwealth account holder reading this address who has experienced similar injustices to file your own complaint at your respective branch. I am aware that such an instruction runs the risk of authorizing a migraine-inducing surge of complaints for our branches and their employees, but I guarantee that such an event will only garner stress at a fraction of the level experienced by the individuals initially impacted by financial mishandlings.

Now I leave it to Philip and Lou to describe the injustices reported to TAEI.

HRH, Empress Alexandria Scorpius



P. SANGRA: Good afternoon, TAEI Leader Lou Kanders! I appreciate the time you have agreed to take out of your busy schedule to meet with me today, November 26th, 2398. It is currently 3:30 PM in the beautiful city of Gisborne. If you wouldn't mind, it would be wonderful for the sake of the interview to have you introduce yourself, Lou.

L. KANDERS: Of course, gladly! My name, as you mentioned, is Lou Kanders. I have worked with TAEI for nearly two decades now, starting back in 2380. Throughout my time I have managed to work my way up to become TAEI's leader and we work constantly to assure that justice is served for the victims of manufactured economic inequalities. I pride myself in what TAEI has accomplished thus far, and have high hopes for what we will accomplish in the years to come.

P. SANGRA: Thank you for that, Lou. Is it alright that I call you by your first name?

L. KANDERS: I actually prefer it, thanks!

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