Part three

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Izuku: t-thank y-you for saving m-me
Claude: Can you explain to me why you were with many wounds?
Izuku: I...
Claude: It's okay, you don't have to explain it to me right away
Izuku looked at the blanket he was being covered with and he started to explain everything that happened to him in his life.
Claude was deeply shocked and and thought about how to execute them but he noticed that Izuku was scared and let go of the idea.
Claude: since when was your hair blonde
Izuku was shocked and wondered why blonde since his hair had always been broccoli green.
Izuku:H-huh but m-my hair was a-always g-green
Claude brought out a mirror and Izuku looked in it and was shocked not only did his hair turn too blonde and straight but his eyes turned crystal blue just like Claude.
Izuku:H-how is d-that possible
???: Because you're the missing prince
Izuku: h-huh, w-wha-! M- me , the m-missing p-prince
Claude then explained what happened in the past and how he was kidnapped.
Izuku only felt anger not only because they thought they were getting power but also because they kidnapped him for11 years from his real family. But suddenly he started crying. Claude and the unknown person to Izuku panicked because they don't really know how to comfort a 11 year old child. Claude then suddenly hugged and said he would always protect him no matter what happens to him and that put his mind at ease. Izuku got more and more tired from time to time during the hug and fell asleep. Both men walked out of his room and tried to come up with a plan to atone for the Yagi's.

Later in the evening

Claude told Izuku he would like to take him to a family dinner, which Izuku accepted because he wanted to meet his real family. Izumi dressed comfortably because Claude said that everyone will come like this. Claude escorted Izuku to the dining room where he was met his sister, his uncle and cousin as well as Lucas whom he didn't really know and Ijekiel Alpheus and his father and also Felix and Lilian which he also didn't meet.
When Claude opened the door, Izuku hid behind him because he was shy. Claude told him to sit next to the blonde girl who looked like an exact replica of him but only female. Izuku nodded and sprinted to the chair next to her, which was tall because Izuku hasn't really grown since he used to consume less food which is why he couldn't get on the chair actually said he could because Claude had used magic to get him on the chair. Izuku was amazed at the magic.
Claude: Thanks for everyone who came. Today we want to celebrate the return of my son Izuku de Obelia Alger who was kidnapped from his birth but today will be a joyful day. So let's celebrate
Everyone was happy especially his sister. When they started to eat everyone asked why Izuku wasn't eating.
Izuku: W-what is w-wrong
Izuku wondered because everyone was staring at him.
Athy: why aren't you eating, I promise you the food is good and delicious
Izuku: A-am I r-realky a-alowed to eat something d-delicious?
Athy: Of course
When he took a bite he said it was delicious and his eyes sparkled The rest were happy because everyone knew what Izuku had to go through.

After dinner, the younger ones wanted to meet Izuku and asked him thousands of questions
Jeannette: So you're my cousin now
Jeanette:May I ask how to found your true family
Izuku stayed silent for a while and Jeanette thought she said something wrong but then Izuku started to tell his story. Even though they knew what Izuku was going through, they were still angry of the people who torture him. So they wanted to cheer him up by playing hide and seek.After the game, they saw a happy face on Izuku, which relieved everyone.

A few weeks later

Izuku felt at home again and was having fun. Today is the first time he's being taught by Athy's teacher ,from etiquette to magic Izuku couldn't wait to get back to it Izuku couldn't wait to study again.
This afternoon he had swordsmanship to first time which he will learn from his father and Felix.
Felix:Welcome to your first training session. First you have to run 10 km
Izuku was shocked when he heard that but he didn't want to give up. He ran these 10 km which was exhausting for him
Felix: Hehe, Looks like it was tough but don't give up now we get to 100 sit-ups and push-ups.
Izuku was halfway there and wanted to stop, but he had a goal in mind.

"He wanted to show his former "family and friends" that they were messing with the wrong person.

Later that day

Today Athy had planned a tea party where she wanted to make new friends with Izuku

Today Athy had planned a tea party where she wanted to make new friends with Izuku

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Since the others didn't have time for the tea party, only Athy and Izuku were there where the guests were already waiting.

???(the guests):Greetings to the stars of Obelia, Princess  Athanasia and Prince Izuku.
May the brilliant rays of the sun shine down upon you

They said simultaneously and bow.

Athy:You may sit down let's enjoy the party, by the way could you introduce yourselves

???: Please forgive us for this mistake. My name is.....

Hehehehe, cliffhanger

Hope you liked this chapter
And I'm sorry if it was to short
Bye byee

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