Part seven

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Let's go back to the past and see how the yagi's were up and not just them but the bakugou's and heroes too.
After Izumi's birthday, the Yagi's weren't the same anymore.
Inko Yagi had just realized in how much trouble she would get if The emperor found out that she was the own who kidnapped Izuku at the first place, even though she wasn't sure because while working at the palace the emperor didn't really cared about other. To others it seemed as if she really cared about finding her 'son' again, but she really didn't care. Because for others it was weird to see how she carried on with her job as if nothing happened.
Izumi Yagi wasn't herself anymore, because she sang in depression and blamed herself for her brother running away, she wanted to do everything to see him again.On top of that she had to do community service with Katsuki and Katsumi and both of them had to it. They would also have to go to the therapist for their problem.
He didn't care about Katsuki, but what he did care about was like his sister's depression, and blamed it on Izuku. He considered what he had done wrong in the past but thought he had done nothing wrong.
All Might during that wasn't the happy one anymore either. After he explained the world what he had done, everyone didn't saw him as the hero, everyone was disappointed not only hero's and and the non hero's but also villains. Then couldn't believe what the heard through radio's or TV, that the so-called number 2 hero All Might neglected his own son just because he was quirkless.

To the royalites who just got into a fight with Overhaul who was demanding they would give 'his daughter" back. Of course they refused because they knew something was fishy about him.
Izuku: Why should we give her back
He said with a cold voice
Overhaul: Well since you don't want to give me my daughter I will have to t-
Before he could finish his sentence, Athy had already defeated him. As she defeated him, Izuku closed the girl's eyes and hugged her.
Izuku: Don't worry, you're save now little one
He said in a soft voice and she fell asleep in his arms.
Jeanette: SOOOO cute, let's take her home, her wounds need to be treated
Izekiel: And what will we do about him
Cynthia: Oh oh, I got a new a Guinea pig
Lucas: Just take him and let's go home
Cynthia: Yaaaaaaay

When they got home, Cynthia started preparing Overhaul for a new experiment and followed her friends after that. Izuku went with the others to his room where he found the little girl in his bed. Lucas then started healing her as the group sagan her wounds everyone was in shock what she would have to go through to get such wounds
Naomi: W-why would they do s-such a horrible thing
Florence: She is to young
Cethin: She is way to young for that
Aibek: Looking at her wounds it's looks like she was experimented on but also abused
Florence: I think it's the best that we stay here until she wakes up
Everyone agreed until they fell asleep

After the girl wakes up she asked
???: W-where A-am I
Suddenly Izuku start waking up just like the others
Izuku: Don't worry little one, you're safe now
???: Y- you c-can s-still u-use m-my p-powers
Everyone was shocked, what did she mean with using her powers
Izuku: Don't worrying little girl, no one will use your powers here
???: R-really
Izuku: of coure
Before they could ask for her name the maid knocked one the door saying that the food is there. She came with some warm porridge, water and an apple pie.
Izuku feed her of course because her arms are just getting healed.
???: T-thank y-you m-mister...
Izuku: Just call me Izuku but you can also call me Deku
The group was shocked because it's has been ages since he used "Deku"
???: T-thank you m-mister Deku
Izuku: No problem, and what's your name
Eri: E-eri
Athy: Awwwwwww, soooooo cuteeeeee
Eri looked at her for a moment and the quickly hided in Izuku Hand
Izuku: Don't worry, she won't hurt you like nor someone in this palace aside of that she is my sister
Eri: S-sister
Athy: Yep his sister, you can call me Aunt Athy
Eri: A-aunt A-athy
Before Athy could answer she already fainted of cuteness overloading.
Eri: I-is aunt A-athy okey
Lucas: Don't worry, she is alright you can call me Lucas
Aibek: I'll be your favourite uncle Aibek and this is my sister aunt Cynthy
Eri: Wooooow
She said with sparkle in her eyes she caused Aibek and Cynthia to faint to
Florence: My name is Florence and there is Cethin and there over is Naomi
Eri: I-is that a c-cat in his head
Cethin walked over her giving her his cat
Cethin: You can pet her
Eri gently petted her causing her to be happier than ever
Jeanette: So cuteeeeeeee, oh yes I didn't introduce myself, I'm aunt Jeanette and this is you uncle Izekiel
Eri: Uncle Kiel have b-beautiful e-eyes
Izekiel: Thank you
When Izuku started feeding her with the apple pie she could only say
Eri: D-delicious
Naomi: Seems like we found her favourite food
When they were about to play with her a little Lily came in demanding everyone out because she had to bath her.
All of them waited and were planning what they could play or bring her before they could even bring her somewhere they had to tell everything to Claude who directly said they will adopt her and he declared they will call her:

Eri de Obelia Alger

A beautiful name for a beautiful and cute girl

When Eri came out from her bath and dressed in her pyjamas they all fainted of cuteness overload
Florence: how can something soon cute excist
Cethin: don't know

Days after days Eri finally felt something that she always wanted which was: A family that love her
They took her many places like the town and almost buying her everyday an apple pie. They gave her the life which she deserved. One time when they were in the town looking for new clothes for Eri
Izuku: Eri, you shouldn't be running around, what happend of you get lost
Eri: sorry Papa
Everyone stopped moving, trying to figure out what happend until eri herself realised what she had just said
Eri: s-sorry
She said finding it embarrassing
Izuku: don't worry you can call me like that
Eri: r-really
Izuku: really
Eri: Yaaaaay
That day Izuku felt so happy because the wax he was treating Eri was like a father- daughter relationship


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