Part nine

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All Might: Next are hero team: Todoroki and Tsuyu Vs the villain team: Cethin and Florence
While the hero teams are outside ready and discussing what to do, the villain team came up with a simple idea. Cethin will make sure the bomb isn't found while Florence fights the heroes which is easy peasy for her because of magic. She simply kept the heroes in a cage that was invisible and the hero team couldn't escape while Florence could go in when she wants. Tsuyu and Todoroki tried to fight Florence but it didn't work and Florence knocked them both out.
All Might: V- villain team w-wins see
(Since I'm lazy)

After the training they all went home exhausted.
The royal group still didn't have an idea how to celebrate the birthday party. So they collected all of Florence's favorite hobbies to somehow celebrate her birthday. They decided to do a night tour through the empire and go to all favourite places of her but before that they had to buy a birthday gift for her. They brought her, her favourite flowers and some other stuff.

(since i'm lazy, let's skip the birthday)

Weeks later Aizawa went in the class informed the class about an activity which must be done by the whole class. Almost everyone were prepared for something bad to until
Aizawa; It's time for you to elect a class representative
Class 1a: a normal school activity
They signed in relieve and they started voting. At the end 18 votes for izuku 7 votes izekiel and 2 votes for tenya and you don't have to be smart who voted for katsuki.
jeanette: why would we vote for a small, angry Pomeranian
She said with an innocent face on her face while drinking juice. Almost everyone in the class laugh especially a certain group which made the Pomeranian redder than a tomato. He was about to lash out but aizawa stopped him and reminded him of the reason why he could step a feet on he U.A ground. Then the bell ranged and it was lunch break. Our undercover group sat together and had a peaceful lunch break or so they they thought. An alarm went of and more than 90% percent of the U.A ran out and were shouting that someone broke in into the U.A . Class 1a also ran until Cethin looked out and only saw reporters. He immediately told it to the person next to him standing who was Tenya. Suddenly he was flying thanks to cethin and tenya used his quirk an shouted out loud that there were only reporters but Izuku still din't have it and said with a more evil voice
More than half of the school were ashamed and decided to change their attitude. In the class almost every praised Tenya and Izuku asked the class if tenya could have the class representative but he asked if cethin coud get that titel since he was the one in the first places seeing the reporters so the class at the end decided that Tenya is the class representative while cethin is the second, but the undercover group know that Cethin won't do anything since he' quiet.
Later on Aizawa thanked the 3 for putting almost all in their places and helping them with the students.
Aizawa: Before i forget, next week we are gong to the U.S.J
Denki: universal studio japan
Jirou: No idiot, Unforseen Simulation
Aizawa: All might will be there with thirteen, I'll also follow you guys, now go home

(on the way home)

Izumi: We got to see thirteen
she said with sparkling in her eyes
Izumi: I wish Izuku was here, I bet he would be writing in his journal right now, like how would imagine everything and...
Suddenly she started tearing up which the Bakugou siblings of course notice. While Katsumi was trying to consule her Katsuki was giving Izuku the fault who they thought was dead but was literally sitting in the same class as them.

( next week)

The whole class was sitting in the bus minding their own business until Tsuyu asked
Tsuyu: If I may ask, why are you guys so mysterious?
Athy: welp we got our reasons Tsuyu
tsuyu: You guys can call me Asui, so may I ask wh-
Aizawa: Shut up we have arrived
Everyone got off the bus and were impressed by the size of it except for our royal group since their mansions are more bigger than it but they didn't show it. After they went in Thriteen welcomed them and explained what was about to happen but fate had a different idea.
Kirishima: Woah!! even fake villain were added
Aizawa: those villains real one
Before Aizawa could say something 10 people jumped into action and easily knocked the freshly, new coming villains up. Suddendly more and more villains came out of a unknown portal and at the the end there were 15 enormous, big bain birds standing infront of seperated students.
Cynthia : What in damn hell are those things
Momo: They look like if some experimented on them, but they are definetly not humans anymore
Lucas: Finally I dont't need to hold back
He said fighting one of those things
and shut up angry Pomeranian and start fighting
In different areas everyone was fighting and Izuku was done he saw something that shocked the shit outta him

hehhehehehhehe Cliffhangers shoud be illegal but idc
and i'm very very very very veeeeeeeery sorry that I didn't wrote knew since the past few months where stressful but i realllly hope you liked this chapter. In the next few weeks I'll try posting more chapters since i got holidays
Not to mention, I got some storz ideas but I'll reveal them after I finish this one
i hope you liked it and have a nice holidays early merry christmas
See ya in a bit

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