Part four

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Aibek: My name is Aibek Chamillet and this is my sister Cynthia Chamillet
Florence: Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Florence Avonlea, it's a pleasure to meet you
Cethin: Your Majesty's, My name is Cethin Celestial
Athy: Hehe, My name Athanasia and that's my brother Izuku
Izuku: Nice to meet you
Athy: Let's start the tea party
Everyone got along well and asked questions.

Izuku: If I may ask Lady Cynthia and Lord Aibek, what empire are you from?
Aibek: We come from the desert empire, Shaebet
Izuku: Interesting....(mumbling)
While Izuku was mumbling, the others had gotten to know each other, such as that Florence likes going to town, or that Cethin doesn't say much, or that Cynthia and Aibek are twins.

After several meetings, everyone felt like family and also got to know Ijekiel, Jeanette, and Lucas. Each of them had something that made them special. They also trained together with the Obelia's and got stronger every day not only in magic but also in fighting. Later they also got to know Izuku's past and everyone just wanted to kill the Yagi's and the Bakugou siblings.

Time flies and everyone has reached the age of either 16 or 17 except Lucas. Today is the last day before U.A Exam and after one hell of a training led by Claude everyone was exhausted before Florence came up with an idea that energised everyone.
Florence: Let's go to town!!
Jeanette: Why not I wanted to try the delicious specialties again felt with delicious chocolate.
Immediately everyone could somehow taste the taste
Athy: Let's go!
When they arrived, everyone had a different hair color and different clothes so they wouldn't be spotted. Everyone split up and did what they wanted. Athy and Jeanette bought specialties together not only for her but also for the others. Aibek, Florence and Ijekiel were just walking around. While Cynthia was checking out new chemicals and Lucas and Izuku were checking out new magical artifacts that might interest them. And Cethin was up a tree to take a nap with his cat.

Later that evening everyone was together talking and having fun as Athy shared the candy she and Jeanette bought asking her where Cethin is until he got behind her and almost scared her to death. Everyone laughed until Cynthia came up with a new chemical and now one person needed to try that chemical. Every one of them ran away because they knew they wouldn't survive anything if their chemical was tasted Once when Lucas tried her experiment he was in bed for 3 days. Not only that, but many many other attempts have gone wrong.

Next day

Today is the U.A exam and everyone is ready. Before they left, they received a short speech that each one took more courage to defeat each other. On top of that, they had to change their hair color and eye color so they wouldn't be recognized since everyone in the group came from a famous family or was famous himself.
When they arrived, the group was talking normally before Izuku heard a familiar voice that he hated. They noticed this and asked Izuku if he was okay.
Izuku: yes yes I'm okay don't worry.
Still, the others worried.
When they walked in Present Mic started explain ing the exam. First came the written exam, which was easy for the group but one of the hardest for other candidates. After this test, Present Mic explained how the next test works.
As he was explaining, a blue haired boy with glasses suddenly spoke up and said
Tenya: Sir, my name is Tenya Iida and i wanted to say they didn't explain about the robot with the zero which is a huge mistake for the U.A, and you over there
He pointed to the unrecognized group
Tenya: You should be ashamed of yourselves for speaking here.
The group was more or less annoyed because they didn't annoy anyone else but then Cynthia jumped up and said
Cynthia: Oh shut it you robot, Nobody else bothered us while we were talking, and we didn't interrupt Present Mic when he was explaining to you. FYI this giant robot is the zero pointer and you say U.A made a mistake. So sit down Sonic!!!
After that comment, Tenya was too ashamed and sat down.

After Present Mic's explanation of the second part of the exam, the group was more than ready. Before that, Izuku saw a brown haired girl who looked very nervous and he tried to calm her down which he also managed.
The gates to each fake city opened and Izuku and his friends immediately rushed in while others thought it was unfair
The contestants all rushed into the fake cities and started destroying robots, but there was a little problem: half of the robots have already been destroyed. The guards inside were amazed by the group destroying the robots in such a short time.
Nezu: Interesting....
All might: How is Izumi doing, I bet she has the most points
Nezu: You're wrong, These 9 children have more points than you ever had.
Aizawa: What's their quirks?
Nezu: According to their files they all have the same quirks which is Magic
Midnight: Weird, I thought Magic only come from Empires
Nezu: Maybe because they come from Empires
Metz took a file to check where they came from and by the looks of it his guess was right
Nezu:Let's see how they get along with the zero pointers



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