「 the princess 」

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A character for a role play with Lilith_Vandruva
But everyone is free to role play with her !

「n a m e 」
↬Eloise Cabot

「n i c k n a m e 」
↬your highness
↬ princess Eloise
↬ the kingdom's diamond

「a g e 」
↬ 23

「g e n d e r 」
↬ female

「s e x u a l i t y 」
↬ bisexual
「a p p e a r a n c e」

—————————————————「p e r s o n a l i t y」↬ some might mistake Eloise to be nothing more than her pretty appearance and beautiful features

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「p e r s o n a l i t y」
↬ some might mistake Eloise to be nothing more than her pretty appearance and beautiful features. Her highness is much more than that though. Her enchanting looks often make people, mostly men, forget that she is a human being as well, a woman, aside from all the beauty that surrounds her. While she is pretty much able to get away with everything, Eloise is a mostly controlled person. She hardly ever loses her senses or temper and is usually extremely calm and very patient. You could call her a silent warrior, not someone to directly fight someone or get into an argument, but definitely the woman to secretly gain support from people and then all of a sudden strike with information or anything else that is certain to defeat her enemy. While the princess has never had anything other than luxury and all in her life, she feel so much sympathy for those who have harder lives than she has. Her father might be ruthless and her stepmother might not be the best either, but her royal highness is a most gentle person who gladly helps the poor. As loved as she is by the people, she is still found rather mysterious. Due to the never fading smile on her face, a pleasant small thing in which only the edges of her lips are slightly curled up, utmost elegant for a princess, people find it hard to know what she is thinking. Eloise appears to never feel anything else than peace of mind. She has the talent of being able to remain calm in all situations and her self control is beyond compare. She likes to see things from different perspective before forming her opinion about anything at all. She has a motherly heart and easily worries about others, feeling the urge to care for those who cannot take proper care of themselves. She would make a lovely wife, really, though if you want true love from her, you will have to make her feel appreciated for more than her looks and status. There is much more to her than that after all.

「p a t i e n c e」 

「i n t e l l i g e n c e 」

「c o n f i d e n c e」

「j e a l o u s」

「s e r i o u s」

「h o n e s t」

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