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Jisung left Chan and Seungmin to clean Minho up, while he'd inform the rest of the group about what was going on. Right outside the bathroom he ran into Hyunjin, the dancer looking incredibly guilty. "What's wrong, hyung?", Jisung asked quietly, closing the door behind him. The older shook his head, a tear running down his cheek before he breathed: "I- I didn't believe him that he had slipped and told him it was his own fault that he had overworked himself, so I wouldn't care whether he was hurting. He threw up seconds later and I'm the worst caregiver there is, making my baby suffer alone. I- I should've known something wasn't right, I should've been there for him but I wasn't. I left him in anger earlier and went home. There's no way he wasn't already sick earlier but I didn't notice, didn't pay attention. So many things could've happened to him alone at the company building and they all would've been my fault because I didn't check what was going on. How could I so badly misjudge this entire situation?"

Jisung's eyes widened at the revelation, as Hyunjin firmly clamped his hand over his lips to silence a sob that tried to escape him. The dancer couldn't let Minho hear him cry now after he had hurt the little so bad. "We're all still a little confused about him and his headspace and though I can tell whether he's faking or not, I can't blame you for not catching on", Jisung hummed, guiding the older down the hallway, "I can't blame you for leaving him at the company building either because he's been so defensive towards anyone, who tried to stop him from practicing. Felix cried for half an hour after he returned home and only calmed down when he joined Innie playing videogames. Some things can't be changed anymore but we can make it up to him by taking the best possible care of him while he recovers, so help me set everything up?" Hyunjin nodded with a sniffle, drying his eyes on his sleeve.

While the dancer went to clean up the mess in the living room, Jisung told the other members what was going on and had them set up the couch with lots of pillows and blankets. The rapper himself picked out fluffy pajamas and brought them back to the bathroom. "Thanks", Seungmin smiled as he draped them over the heater, "We decided we should do a bubble bath because Min is completely drenched in sweat. Could you check if we have any crackers he could eat afterwards? We want to give him some medicine but I'm pretty sure his tummy is completely empty right now." Jisung nodded dutifully and made his way to the kitchen. While he rummaged through the cupboards in search of crackers, Felix was making tea to hopefully settled Minho's stomach. The Aussie had already collected his friend's sippy cup and pacifier wanting to have everything ready for the boy when he was done with his bath. He had been so upset with his hyung earlier but it made sense that the older hadn't been in his right mind when they had argued earlier.

Chan knelt next to the tub, holding Minho's hand for comfort and to show him that he was there as the younger floated in the tub, only his face visible between the mountains of bubbles. Seungmin had made sure that the water was only slightly warm, so it wouldn't give his friend chills but also wouldn't raise his fever any higher than it already was. Usually, Minho loved his bubble baths but now he felt indifferent. Too tired to care about anything other than his churning tummy and pounding head. At one point, Chan was so convinced his dongsaeng had fallen asleep, that he slipped his hand under the younger's head to keep him from drowning. With both of his hands now occupied, Chan tried to make as much space for Seungmin as possible, as the vocalist crouched next to his hyung, washcloth in hand.

Seungmin gently stroked the soft material against Minho's skin, earning a whine. The little's skin was so sensitive from the fever, the touch felt uncomfortable, no matter how careful Seungmin tried to be. The vocalist made quick work of cleaning Minho's face and wiping down the other's chest and shoulders, not wanting to torture the boy longer than necessary. Washing his hair was a bit tricky, Chan lifting his head just barely above the surface, so the younger could massage some shampoo into his friend's scalp. "Kitten, can you wake up for daddy?", the leader whispered sweetly, cooing when Minho blinked his glossy eyes open, "Let's sit you up for a moment, so we can get you out of the tub and into some comfy jammies, hm?" The little sniffled but managed to sit up with Chan's help, the Aussie's hands remaining on his back to steady him, while Seungmin grabbed the shower head and rinsed the shampoo out of the other's hair.

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