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When Minho came to, his legs were completely numb, so he had probably been on his knees for quite some time. Needing to get some circulation going, the dancer struggled to change his position. He stretched out his legs and slumped with his back against the wall of the tiny stall. His stomach let out a wet gurgle and Minho finally found the energy to rub circles over his bloated middle. It was obvious, he was done with his practice for tonight. The only question was, how he'd get back to the dorm. Wiggling his toes, the dancer was satisfied that the blood had returned to his legs and carefully stood up. He swayed for a moment before leaning against the wall till his body got used to being upright. His lips were chapped and his throat felt parched, while there was a foul taste on his tongue. He should really get something to drink first. No sports drink though.

Minho sluggishly made his way back to the practice room, one arm protectively wrapped around his middle, the other trailing along the wall of the hallway to keep him balanced. Once the dancer had thrown on his hoodie, he reached for his wallet to take another trip to the vending machine. He'd finally grant himself a box of juice like he had been craving because he wouldn't get any work done now anyway. Minho struggled to poke the straw in, his head swimmy and his aim not as good as it could be. He took a hesitant sip and sighed when the sweet flavor got rid of the bad taste in his mouth but after another tiny sip, he decided to take a break and not challenge his stomach.

Dragging himself to the practice room, the dancer checked the time and was surprised that it wasn't even that late, so he hadn't been out for long. His friends were probably all still awake but that didn't mean he'd call anyone to come and get him. He wouldn't burden them again, not after bringing this on himself. Minho rested for a while, sitting on the practice room floor as he suckled his juice. With the piled-up exhaustion, it didn't take long for the fever to bring out his little-side and he didn't have the energy to fight it. A tear ran down the boy's flushed cheek and he sniffled pitifully as he wished to be at home with his daddy and his hyungs but he knew he'd have to get there himself, so after downing the last few sips of his juice he got up on wobbly feet. Minho threw away the empty juice box, a queasy burp escaping him as he waddled back to his bag. It was time to go home now.

Since Minho couldn't call for a driver while in his headspace, he had to make the walk on foot. It seemed like an impossible task, especially with how dizzy he was. The darkness outside didn't help either, making the little feel anxious and vulnerable. He just wanted his caregivers and Soonie, lots of cuddles and maybe some tummy rubs. His tummy was still cramping and for a moment, the boy froze in his spot. Minho felt his mouth water, hesitantly bending over as he gagged. No, no, no, he couldn't throw up now. Not outside and not alone. The little's heart raced as he pressed his lips together tightly and straightened up. He had to get home before anything happened because there was no way he could throw up without at least one of his caregivers by his side to rub his back.

He didn't know how but Minho eventually made it back to the dorm, stumbling through the door and tripping over his own feet. The only members he spotted while kicking off his shoes were Hyunjin and Seungmin, who were watching a drama in the living room. When he straightened back up, his head spun and he almost plopped down on his bum, accepting defeat, but he forced himself to stay on his feet and hesitantly waddled towards the couch, fiddling with his fingers.

"H-Hyung?", the little mumbled nervously, not daring to get any closer. Seungmin only raised an eyebrow at Minho, while Hyunjin turned to the other dancer, sighing in annoyance: "Go take a shower and no, don't try pulling that shit again. You're not little and I told you, you'd feel awful if you kept practicing but you refused to listen, therefore this is your problem not mine." As he turned back to the TV, Hyunjin completely missed the tears spilling down Minho's face, dripping from his chin. He only glanced at the other when he heard a heartbroken sob tear from the little's throat. The hitching sobs were too much for his upset stomach to handle and without any further warning, Minho doubled over, the few sips of juice he had in him splattering onto the wooden floor boards. He ended up aspirating, coughing hard. Unable to breathe, the little freaked out but Seungmin was by his side in an instant, keeping one arm around his friend's waist to steady him, while delivering a few firm pats between the shoulderblades.

Minho desperately clutched the vocalist's sleeve as he retched again. When it seemed like he was done for now, Seungmin cupped the boy's forehead with his palm, clicking his tongue. "He's burning up", Seungmin announced, comfortingly wrapping his arm around the dancer's shoulders, "Can you get Chan-hyung, while I take him to the bathroom?" Hyunjin nodded mechanically, finally shaking off his stupor. Sure, he had expected his friend to feel bad with how he had been running himself into the ground lately but he definitely hadn't expected this. It was highly likely that Minho had really slipped this time but Hyunjin still wanted to get Jisung too to confirm it. He didn't know how but the rapper had a way of reading the little and he trusted the other caregiver's judgement more than his own. Just like he had expected, Hyunjin found both Chan and Jisung in the leader's bedroom, working on music along with Changbin. "Guys, Minho's back. He's sick and possibly little, so... do something", the dancer dropped the bomb without even knocking on the door before barging in. Chan and Jisung were on their feet in an instant and Hyunjin only managed to call after them: "Bathroom!"

Seungmin had settled the crying little on the bathroom rug, the toilet seat flipped up in case he needed to be sick again. "Shush, kitten, you're okay but you'll make your tummy worse if you keep crying", the vocalist cooed, cupping Minho's cheek as he slipped the thermometer into the other's ear to get a read on his fever. He clicked his tongue again when he realized just how bad it was and ran a washcloth under cool water before turning back to his friend. Minho hiccupped weakly as he tried to stop the constant flood of tears but there was nothing he could do, desperately clinging to his caregiver's arm. Seungmin let the little hug his arm, while using the other hand to wipe the boy's face. Cleaning away the sweat and tears, Seungmin carefully dabbed the cloth against Minho's lips, afraid he'd tear the skin with how chapped they were. "I got you, kitten, hyung's got you, hm?", he whispered, "Can you try to breathe for me?"

The door opened and Chan rushed in, having already heard his baby cry from outside. As soon as Minho spotted the oldest, he reached his arms up and made grabby hands, so Seungmin got up so that the leader could sit with their friend. "D-Dada", the dancer choked out, his voice hoarse from throwing up. He buried his face in Chan's chest as soon as the older had settled on the floor. Chan carefully pulled the boy into his lap and ran his hand down his back to calm him down.

"Minnie, can you tell us what's going on?", Jisung hummed, wanting to hear the little speak again. Dragging his sleeve across his face, Minho whimpered: "Owie- ma, ma head an' ma tummy. They huwts... wots an' – an' me...." He tried but he couldn't tell them that he had thrown up, feeling like he would again if he said the word. It was enough for Jisung to confirm though, his friend was definitely little and definitely in pain. "He threw up, pretty much as soon as he came home", Seungmin explained softly, "His fever is quite high, probably a lot worse than it could be had he not been dancing all day." – "Aish, kitten", Chan cooed, holding the boy snug against his chest, "What are we going to do with you? You can't keep overworking yourself like that, now see where that got you, hm?" Minho sniffled sadly, slipping two fingers between his lips to suckle on. He seemed so sleepy, it startled the others when he tensed with a retch after accidentally pushing his fingers too far back. Luckily nothing had come up but Chan grabbed the boy's wrist and pulled his hand away from his mouth, stating: "They're not going in there for now. Let's get you cleaned up and to bed, sleepy kitten." 

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