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cynthia nor lila had seen diego since he'd been called to see his visitor

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cynthia nor lila had seen diego since he'd been called to see his visitor. lila, for one, couldn't care less about diego and found cynthia's state of panic to be extremely entertaining. she was pacing and muttering about god knows what, it was certainly stressing her out though. "god cynthia, stop pacing. you're wearing holes in my shoes from all the way over there."

"but lila, i've heard whispers that he's in one of those super crazy people rooms. in a straight jacket. that's not normal, lila. we need to like, i don't know, get him out!!" cynthia's pacing had paused for the brief moment she was talking, and lila basked in the slight peace for a moment. until cynthia stopped talking and immediately begun pacing again. lila let out a groan and stood up.

cynthia sat down in her seat and ran her hands over her face. all she could think of was who could've visited diego. he had told her he wasn't close with a single member of his family, yet here he was with a visitor, and now he's in a straight jacket?! something was very fishy about this visitor, cynthia had to know who it was or what was said. "hi, excuse me? yes, do you know where a diego hargreeves might be?"

cynthia had politely asked one of the nurses who she doubted would give her a straight answer. but it was definitely worth the shot, the worst that could happen was her not finding out anything she didn't already know. "i'm afraid i don't know who that is, sweetheart. i'm sure he's alright though." the nurse tried to reassure her. she definitely thought that diego hargreeves was imaginary and that cynthia was insane. she wasn't insane. not at all.

cynthia groaned in this poor nurses face and sat down without as much as a thank you. this was unlike her because she's usually very polite and would never have the nerve to groan and complain to a nurse. she knew that once diego was safe and sound she'd regret ever talking to the nurse, but she needed her moment to stress out. she started humming 'are you lonesome tonight?' by elvis under her breath as she stood up to grab a cigarette. it was her new favourite song. she'd always liked elvis but she had a newfound love for him after he released this song. the lyrics just meant a lot to her.

lila approached cynthia with a lighter and handed it over. cynthia smiled gratefully and she lit her cigarette and handed it back. as she took the first puff she breathed very deep and took a moment to let the tobacco clear her brain. it didn't do much, because tobacco makes her panicky, but it momentarily cleared her head. the smoke became unbearable half way through the cigarette and she handed it off to lila who happily finished it for her.

cynthia just wanted diego back. the silence between the two girls was becoming unbearable, much like cynthia's cigarette. and not to mention the awkwardness. cynthia believed lila liked diego. and she believed he liked her back. which made cynthia feel awkward because she was diego's first friend here, and she wanted him to like her. not exactly in the way he likes lila, but something of the sort.

DADDY ISSUES ... DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now