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Chapter 7: Boathouse Comfort

The majority has selected option 5.


Out of Hand: (Y/N) went after Jacob.


Actions Speak Louder Than Words: (Y/N) chose dare during the truth or dare game. - (Y/N) kissed Nick as a result of their dare. - Nick was reluctant to kiss Emma. - (Y/N) was upset about Emma kissing Nick and went to comfort Jacob.

21.05 | August 22nd - (Y/N)

Hackett's Quarry Camp Firepit

With shaking hands, you set your guitar to the side and got up. All eyes turned to you and head spinning you spoke a few words.

"That...I'm going after him...I just can't..."

Not knowing what else to say and fearing that you might start crying if you said more, you turned on your heel and went to follow in the general direction Jacob headed.

"(Y/N), no I'm sorry-"

Nick started and your name was called by a few different people but you didn't turn back. You couldn't deal with this right now.

What the fuck...Just...What the fuck...

The voices of your friends rose in volume, seeming to develop into an argument but you walked further away from them. Delving into the forest, their sounds eventually faded and left you alone in the forest.

It was dark but the full moon illuminated your way as you attempted to locate Jacob and dwelled on your thoughts at the same time.

What the fuck just happened? Why would Emma do that, she just watched me kiss him and kissed him after me with no regard whatsoever! And poor Jacob, I mean I get that she doesn't wanna be with him but come on couldn't she have kissed him one last time and left Nick alone?! If it really is just a game to her, she shouldn't have had a problem with kissing Jacob instead of Nick!

You stepped over a root as you continued your speed walk through the woods. You were calming down a little, the shakiness leaving but the same hurt feeling remaining.

Okay...Fuck...Jacob, where would Jacob go?

Well, Jacob was the camp's sports coach and you'd caught him making out with Emma a few times in a specific location...

The boathouse...He always liked going there. It's worth a shot.

You guessed that you'd be able to get to the boathouse pretty quickly if you continued the way you were going. You'd come to know these woods like the back of your hand and with a few twists and turns you'd be able to get to the boathouse with ease. Still trying to calm down, you went down the route. 

The only detour you took was to pick up yet another tarot card.

Great, fantastic, just what I needed right now.

This one was in a tree hollow. You removed it and looked at the picture on it. A hand, holding a sword with a crown balanced on the tip of it...

Tarot Card Found

Ace of Swords

(Y/N) places their hand down and uses a knife to sever their finger from their hand.

Soon enough, you arrived at the familiar building. Lights illuminated the pathway and wooden boathouse now. 

He has to be here.

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